Project Let's Compare Ourself to Only Ourself also known as Stop Treating Yourself Like Shit, Damn.
Hi. It's Monday. The day is not quite over (it's 5:45ish pm my time) but let's be honest, once that clock hits 6 o'clock I'm pretty much spent for the day. Yes, I finish making dinner and give the kids medicine and get them ready for bed and read them stories and do at least one more load of dishes but... huh. Look at that.
Today I worked + went to the grocery store + did two loads of laundry + did three loads of dishes + got Griffin to and from school + watered all my new plants

+ moved most of my indoor plants outside + repotted my pansies (damn squirrels) + got haircuts for me and the boys and my eyebrows waxed + ordered Darwin new glasses + fought Darwin over the fact that yes, you will be wearing glasses now that you're older + went to the chiropractor + talked to two neighbors + made dinner (almost done, tacos)
I'm gonna go ahead and call that a pretty successful day.
Now, let's see how successful of an evening I can muster.
I'd consider that a very succesful day! And you held all your shizz together too! Bravo!
6 oclock seems to be my puttering out time to. If I haven't accomplished all that I want to by 6 consider it left for the next day. I need the 2 hours before the 8 o clock bedtime to relax.
you accomplished way more than i did today... well done!
I'd say that is a very accomplished day! I understand the need to really take a look at your own day though. I was just talking to Chris tonight about how it might not be so healthy for me to be reading those crazy-ass super mother blogs because it makes me feel inadequate.
KUDOS to you mama. What a good day!
Can we make this project of yours an official holiday? Please?
And your flowers are very pretty. kiss kiss
Glad we're not comparing ourselves, or I might be feeling inadequate.
My cut off time is 7.30 and after that, I turn into a child-eating troll.
I hate it when I go - go - go and then I look around and instead of seeing all that was accomplished I see all that is left to do. Congrats on seeing life from a better perspective, what you have accomplished.
That sounds like a very busy day!!!
Wow. That just makes me tired reading it.
Dang. THAT is a full day did ton's of stuff! Plus? The flowers are wonderful...which reminds me, I need to water mine before they dry up and blow away...damn spring winds.
Damn You! I was just feeling pretty good about accomplishing nothing at all yesterday and now I want to cry. Because I've kind of piffled today away already too.
You have accomplished a lot. I've been fighting the treating-myself-like shit thing too. I still haven't figured out how I can do so many things in a day and still not have a clean house. I'm not sure what the answer is, but I think it includes going outside into the sunlight.
Sometimes, I don't do that much in a week! Congrats.
Such a graet idea.We all do far more than we think in a day I'm sure.I often look back at my day and can't see what I achieved for all my business.I think I might try this too.Thanks.x
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