
My children completely lose any resemblance to Rational Human Beings when they see a bug in the house. Even a little ol' ladybug just going about her (his?) business.
And don't even ask me about my husband. If he sees a spider he squeals like a little girl and his arms go frailing about. Especially if I force him to kill it and it moves. Dear God.
And with spring here? Oy. I feel like I'm putting out fires all day long, only without any smoke damage.
Can't you get the boys to view bugs as a kind of science experiment - bet they'd be all over them.
But don't talk to me about girly husbands - you should have seen mine when the goldfish was on it's last legs and in need of a swift exit. Hopeless. Guess who got that job?
I like the above comment. Pick up some toy bug traps. They could transport the bugs outside.
I know exactly what you are talking about. I have to kill the bugs in the house b/c my hubby doesn't like them. I think it is hilarious when he tries to kill a bug!!
aahhhh (<--loud squealing sound!) a LADYBUG~!
We buy bags of Lady bugs at the Home Depot and let them go outside. Once in a while they come in on one of us. I just put them on my house plants. We have huge crab spiders here. I have done my share of screaming. Can I call you the next time I need one killed?
Not convinced that penises (penii?) have anything to do with bug-killing prowess. I'm the one who deals with the arachnids and insects here. Now, belching and farting and missing the toilet, that's penis-related behavior.
My son doesn't like insects either. What's UP with this generation of boys?! My son gets all proud of himself if he manages to kill a bug with a 3' stick - and you can FORGET about him picking it up and throwing it away. Boys! lol
Make em build lego replicas. :-)
Good luck with that. I myself have to be the bug killer around my house, the husband yells at the kids for being afraid...but he never wants to kill them either.
I once heard Rich squeal while killing a spider...but, to be fair, it was a black widow and it was trying to cohabitate with him in the Airstream...Although, usually I'm pretty quiet when I smoosh them in my house (I hate to kill them, but they don't relocate well...they prefer to come right back to their original spot...we don't need any Incredible Journey Black Widow Style around here)
Dude even Zach is going through an: I am scared of bugs phase, what's with those weenie boys anyways?
Too Funny! I can kill, but if my husband is around I'd rather let him do it. My kids always cheer "KILL IT!!" is that bad?au
I was bit by a lady bug so your boys have plenty to be afraid of. Altered my world as I knew it to be...FOREVER!!!! Peace.
Aww, it just a little ladybug.
I've had a ladybug infestation in my windowsill for about two years now. But I just leave 'em alone, I kinda like them.
I can hardly keep Max from picking up spiders. I'm lucky Philip will deal with spiders from me because I'm a real delicate flower when it comes to them. However...the rest?
Bring it on.
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