Today started with saying "hi" to my husband for returning from a business trip + then I worked + got Griff to school + worked some more + showered (yippee!) + did two loads of laundry + a load of dishes + scrubbed the eating table + got Griff out of school early + took the boys to the dentist (no cavities!) + went to Whole Foods + made lunch + watched "Days of Our Lives" (no making fun!) + worked + took the kids outside + brought them in 2 minutes later due to rain + worked some more + helped Darwin make the Island of Sodor

+ did laundry + ran a load of dishes + started dinner (gluten-free sausage pizza with veggies and caramelized onions) + worked (dude, I love my job) + now I'm gonna go
What'd you do today?
Man, I have nuthin' on you. I slept late, ate late, did nuffin but knit a little and now I'm going to start the 3 hour process of getting ready to leave the house.
Yes, it takes me 3 hours. Not because I wear make-up (because I don't), or because I need to dress up because I won't, I'm just going to stitch n bitch. I'm just that tired.
But you are welcome to all the productivity that I'm not able to use.
Jesus Christ!! What are you trying to do to me?
Even though you are killing me with this super-activity level you've got going, I'm also just impressed.
I make the Island of Sodor nearly every day for Mayhem. Getting all that track to match up is hard work.
I walked for 45 minutes and I starred in my own personal sewing video which I will edit in the next 24 hours and then make 2 more. I also did one load of laundry and ate a bunch of healthy junk... did a tiny bit of dishes and read your blog.
I wanna cookie.And a beer.
I got pulled over right in front of my house, how embarrassing. Turns out I had a burnt out head light. Never been pulled over before. I think Lily charmed him out of giving me a ticket.
Dude, how much laundry do you guys produce? I think I do 5-6 loads a week. Maybe I'm overstuffing my washer?
OH, and my mother-in-law gave me a tip for your kitchen table problem (if you haven't already figured that out). She was a kindergarten teacher, and they used shaving cream to get all the sticky kid stuff off the table tops. The kids just played with the stuff for a little while so it could soak a bit, and then everything comes off! I don't know what this would do to a painted surface though.
mmmhhhh... what day?
oh. it was my day off. i slept in (YAY FOR NO KIDS - sorry~) made breakfast, had a coffee, washed some dishes, checked out my favorite blogs and sites, took some pictures, did som crocheting, went to costco with a friend, came back, had a VERY late lunch, went for a walk, baked bread, made salad for dinner and figured out how to cook an artichoke, ate dinner, watched some TV (some more crochet), went for another walk - and here i am. bedtime. its monday for me tomorrow!
hmnnn. I carried a very similar schedule - except I had a baby dangling from my boob through half of it.
Too much information?? :)
I took a shower, DRIED my hair, got dressed up all nice, kissed my kids and my husband goodbye and drove to work :) It was my "day off" from my real life. Came home, ate dinner that my husband cooked (grilled burgers), played with the kids, put them to bed, and I was in bed by 9pm. I get 2 "days off" a week (Wed, and Fri). :)
Dude, Days of our Lives? I've been "watching" since 8th grade. I'm down to watching it about 3 times a year, and I SWEAR I get all caught up from when I watched it last time. Did you see Jillian from the Biggest Loser was on it the other day? I cracked up when she told Nicole to eat something because she was too thin ;)
Seriously, I thought I did a lot of laundry! That is the one that I laugh at the most during your posts, how much laundry you do.
I'm with Amy H! How do you have that much dirty laundry? I hope the two loads yesterday were from the business trip unpacking and not just more daily wear.
And I was really hoping you'd use "My Humps" as your song title for Wednesday/Hump Day. :)
I got out the door with two kids in tow, dropped them off at two different schools, went to work, went to pick the big un up, went to the library, came back to work, worked some more, picked up the little, went home, made dinner (goulash), cleaned up from dinner, played two games of checkers, tried to keep the checker loser from having a meltdown, read stories, put two kids in bed, laid down next to the little to get him to stay in bed, woke up an hour later and went to bed myself. Wednesdays are long.
Well, I certainly didn't do as much as you! But I did argue with my 14 year old DD - which counts as a whole day of stress and agony in my book.
Sneezed, coughed, worked out...went to work, sneezed, coughed...went to dinner at an Airstream, sneezed, coughed...met some new people, sneezed, coughed...went home and fell into bed, where I woke myself up most of the night sneezing and coughing.
I just went to work, came home, had supper at my sister in law's home, came home, blogging now. I did nothing compared to you!!!
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