I dismantled the crib, put together a toddler bed (which my awesome friend Kristi gave us), cleared out all the stuff (dude, you so totally do not want to see my bedroom right now), reorganized the bookshelf and ripped the carpet out of the boys' alcove.
Reason 1,593 I love old houses: alcoves
Reason 3: original hard wood floors
The floors are really, really orange. They have the original varnish on them and in the back of the alcove have some light water damage (the tub shares the left-side wall). I don't care. I love them. I want to go rip out all the carpet out of the house right now.
Aaron, on the other hand, (who so happenly got home last night) doesn't like the hardwoods so much. He complains that they are cold (wear socks!) and are orange (orange is pretty!). I might have to leverage letting him have the cave longer. Or just ripping them all out during his next big trip.
Other things we've been truckin' through...

homework [green week] -- dude, who knew kindergarteners got so much damn homework? -- and doctoring up a certain lemon cake recipe. Apparently, it's not "special" enough to celebrate a particular someone's birthday, as it "needs" a creamy center and streusel topping as well. Men. You'd think he'd be happy coming home to any cake (and totally awesome at that) after being gone for ten damn days.
go rip out that carpet. NOW. GO. those floors are beautiful!
Rip rip rip!!! Those are awesome.
I am so in love with that alcove. I want to see more.
I'd rip the carpet up too. Hardwood is much better for allergic people, and it looks better too. I'm jealous of your alcove.
geez, just getting dinner on the table was a feat in itself for me last night.
oh. man.
I covet your floors. We have soft yellow pine from the 80's in our house--let's just say it's not the same--at all. and, yes, I concur with the others--the carpet MUST be removed.
Glad the man is back to help with life. I'll take his cake if he doesn't want it. no. wait. Those were my saddle bags talking. My brain told me no.more.sweet.carbs.
damn brain.
You know they do say that wood floors drastically improve the air quality inside a home, my allergen challenged friends!
Oh wait- Kristi just said that. Well, I've got nothin' then.
Great alcove. Lovely floors. Yes, rip out the carpet. Buy the hubby socks for his birthday, the really thick and soft kind.
Being carpet free really really really (really) improved my asthma situation.. I highly recommend it! And as for homework..three hours a day for second grade up.
You wood floors are beautiful!! Let me know, and I'll fly out and help you rip out the carpet...I have done that so many times it's not funny...and then we can knit Aaron a pair of socks to keep his feet warm (all while eating that lemon cake...mmmmm...cake!)
Go on...you know ya wanna...Xxx
You know I am in 100% agreement about old houses and ripping out carpet! That floor looks great!
PKM-please say that isn't true!!!
Just remind him how unhealthy carpeting is for your super allergy-prone boys. How it harbors all kinds of unhealthy things. How it never gets clean. Then pull up a section and show him the discusting layer of stuff just sitting underneath the carpet.
Then don't listen to a word he says and rip it up girl! As my father-in-law says, men should never mess with the nest.
Yep, I will put my 2 cents as well that if you get rid of the carpeting, the allergies will greatly improve. What is it about our men? My husband was all shades of pissed when I ripped up that nasty 70's carpeting that the pad was disintergrating into dust. He had the same excuses about it being too cold. Blah! I still have my hardwood floors.
ALCOVE??? I want an alcove!!!! that would be my favorite place in the house. How could he not love those floors?!! I agree with the others-- rip all the carpet out!
Gotta go find an alcove around here. My house is old. Is built in 1952 old enough for an alcove? I will check.
I love your wood.
I love your alcove and how it has books in it. They belong in an alcove.
Happy weekend, LA
Oh WOW!!!! I would wait until Aaron's next trip and rip away! The floors look great with your paneling!
Those floors? They make up for a host of other problems. I wish mine had something other than plywood -- they don't, I've looked. Grrrr.
I love your alcove.
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