"Mom? I'm really scared."
"Of what?"
"Don't be mad at me... my tooth is loose."
I about fell out of my chair. Loose tooth? Are you kidding me? I have a kid with a loose tooth?
After about 15 minutes of meltdown (on his part) and shaky hands (my part) and tears (both parts), I manged to calm him down and explain to him that his means he's growing up (sobbing on my part) and that he's suppose to lose his teeth (sobbing on his part) and really, it's all gonna be fine.
Really. Gonna be fine. Totally fine. No problem, it's all gonna be fine. Really, truly fine.
Just, how in the hell did I go from having a baby to having a child who looses teeth? That's what I wanna fucking know.
A loose tooth?? Holyshit! That's a pretty big milestone you've got on your hands there lady (not that you didn't know that already)....
Congratulations to you both! Big day, big day....=)
Oh, poor kid - that must be sort of freaky for a kid if they're not expecting it! Congrats to you big boy mama!
You should check out the book 'throw your tooth on the roof' - stories across the globe of what they do with first teeth. It's not universally the tooth fairy, that's for sure!
I know from experience that you're going to blink twice and he's going to be behind the wheel of your car, learning to drive, with his permit and you are going to see your life flash in front of your eyes. The next big question is: Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy? If you do, the rates have gone up past a quarter! Good luck! Big Hugs to you both!
Now you're going to have to learn the fine art of the sneaky tooth-fairy! Congratulations on keeping him healthy enough to grow teeth (just in time to loose them...)
oh wow!
It totally spooked me when No 1 lost his first tooth too.
Almost like when I found my first grey hair..
Just dont forget the money under the pillow thing when it falls out...like some crappy mum I know did! Who me?!
Awww,hugs mama. Its something Zach talks about alot, I guess he learned it at school from the dentist that came for a visit. He can't wait for it to happen, and like you I am quite sure I will be a wreck. :)
I am weeping right along with you thinking about my own baby (soon to be big girl) getting loose teeth. oh the thought sends shivers down my spine.
Awwww! That's so sweet!!! We were on vacation when my son discovered his first "loose tooth". And I took a picture too! Although it wasn't as obvious as Griffin's. Oh and at our house? The tooth fairy gives $1 unless MOM GETS TO PULL THE TOOTH (you know, when it becomes one of those barely-hanging-on things that totally drives me crazy), and then he gives $5. Sadly, I've only gotten to pull the tooth once. :(
I mean seriously, how does this happen? Mine has a drivers permit!
It's these little things that we cannot forget down the road when we are mad as hell with them for one thing or another! :-)
Precious moments...
The first loose tooth is a big deal. I can't believe he's that old either! My kids get excited about it now. They're skeptical about the tooth fairy, but the thing is, they believe in money. ;)
My kiddo lost his first tooth a couple weeks ago and it just feels like he's truly done being a baby and when he yanked that tiny little pearly white out I nearly started bawling! Do you have the book Parts by Tedd Arnold? It's kind of a fun way to introduce all the weird stuff our bodies do- loose teeth, hair falling out, fuzz in the belly button, etc.
Oh my!!! His reaction is priceless! I think you need a drink after that one! He is growing up so fast!
Wow! So does the tooth fairy visit your house?
I hope he's gotten past the initial freak-out, and the actual losing won't be too bad. :)
Amen sister.
ahhh the good old days. of baby teeth.
Dude, I have no idea. Same thing happening here. My 2 yr old will be in nursery school- SCHOOL!!!!- in 6 months. what?!@!!*#$^%
"don't be mad..."
poor kid is falling apart.
Send him over here if you need me to pull it. I'll wash my hands first, I promise. :)
Max was so excited when his first tooth got loose. He's been waiting for this moment since he was five and all his friends started losing theirs.
See, the way you're so thunderstruck at your kid growing up? That makes me suspect that you will be giving out some very interesting news in in the next year.
isnt it nuts?? I'm used to it with my girl but once my baby boy starts losing teeth I'll be so sad!
Wow! That really puts the final nail in the coffin. Adult teeth!!!
I love you. Xxx
You make me giggle so hard, I almost wet myself...I love it!
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