Stupid sparkley sugared marshmallow bunnies.
Of course Griffin had some stuck underneath his loose tooth. So with the help of my trusty-dusty fingernail, I was prying it out and then...
... the damn tooth popped out!
It was a pretty anti-climatic event for Griffin. He was all, "that's it?" Yeah, dude, that's it. What did you expect, 76 trombones?
In any case, the tooth fairy visited (and left a baggie of coins!) and the redness is no longer red (thank goodness) and now the constant questions of "when's my GROWN UP tooth coming in, Mom?" have arrived.
Congratulations to the boy! He looks mighty dashing without that, the Easter Bunny AND the tooth fairy in one day? That's a pretty spectacular Easter...
Seriously Chickenbells--you hit it right on!
Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy?? A boy should only be so lucky!
Congrats to you both! =)
Bye, tooth!
Your house was quite the hub of fairy/forest creatures this weekend!
No one prepares you for quite how grown up those grownup teeth make them look once they begin growing in. Bye bye last vestiges of babyhood!
Oh Lord in heaven, I am so squeamish when it comes to tooth poor sister...who was a dental asst...had to do the dirty work!
Awwwwwww, that tooth is so teeny, tiny. *Sniff*
And you didn't pass out over the whole thing. Congratulations, Laura!
Another milestone reached......
So what is the T. Fairy paying these days?
The whole tooth-losing part of the parenting bargain freaks me out. But I have to admit that it was starting to freak me out more that Max hadn't lost any. So we were quite relieved when it finally happened.
It's a big moment- congratulations Griffin!!
So, does the tooth fairy also visit you when you start losing your grown up teeth?
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