Well, life can't be ideal but I have managed not to step a single foot into the mall this holiday season. In fact, the only times I've been in the mall at all this year was to buy the boys shoes for their freakishly extra wide feet.
There's been a fine line of consumerism and handmade here. Trying to find a balance. I feel as though my life has very little balance, it's really something I need to work on.
In any case, I managed to make a few things for the holidays...
These tissue holders are on their way to Michigan for Aaron's mom and grandmothers.
This is when your family's absolute resolve to never lay eyes on your weblog is a blessing. You get to share pictures whenever the hell you feel like it.
These tissue holders hold those Puffs to Go tissues. It took a few tries to get them the right dimensions. I wanted a full pack to be completely covered in fabric, because who wants to reach into their bag and pull out a nasty linty, crumby tissue? There's tutorials all over the place (if you don't know how to make one, Jo's tutorial is awesome; just look in her sidebar for the link). I changed my fabric dimensions to 7 x 9 1/2 inches with a quarter-inch seam allowance.
(And my lining fabrics were damn cute, I may add. I just couldn't figure out how to take a decent picture that also showed the linings.)
As I was wrapping and boxing items for shipping I realized that I had only got one child a sticker book. As I was standing there looking out it, I was disappointed. Just a sticker book? How the hell can I wrap this so it's cute and won't get ripped?
Twenty minutes later I had this...

Honestly, I don't know what the fuck happened to me. Since when do I run downstairs and whip out a magazine bag in 20 minutes? Seriously. What the fuck is happening to me?

And hell no, that's not linen. I barely splurge on linen for myself. The outside fabric is mostly a (very thin) organic, unbleached cotton dishtowel from Tarjay.
So far that's all I have that is handmade. Really, I wish I had more of an opportunity to hear my sewing machine sing but I'm trying to be happy with what I'm capable of doing without pulling my hair out. Because no one wants to see me with a horrible hair cut again.
Pretty nifty gifts. I'd be pleased if I got something like that. Didn't know you had that much talent, did ya?
wouldn't it be cool if cool things we dreamed up made themselves while we got some sleep?
I love that bag and even though tissue holders seem so old lady to me-I must be getting there because they totally ROCK and I think I have got to make one for myself!!!
look at you! the bag looks awesome, and i'm so very jealous of the C+L book! very extremely jealous.
I just had to click back to take another look at the picture because I thought C+L meant Crooks and Liars! I might be spending too much time reading about politics.
Awesome crafts!
Glad you were able to get your handmade on. It feels good doesn't it?
Cheers! LA
You've crossed over to the other side, lady. Whipping up 'a little something' is big time craft Goddess in my book. You go with your bad ass self.
pretty, pretty!
(and for the record - I *LOVE* Charlie and Lola. And I pretty much have to watch by myself, since Schecky is a strapping young lad of nine, and thinks such fare is beneath him. Don't care. Lola utterly cracks me up...)
And what exactly was that in today's calendar? Scheck thinks it's a "poo bin for the dog park". And I looked at it, and by God, I think he's right....
..i'm most very extremely impressed.
(sorry, anytime I see Lola anything, I must talk like her!!)
These are terrific gifts. Quite a talented lady you are. No way I could ever whip something up in mear minutes.
Lovely handmade things... well done to you for getting it finished in time!
yea! The tissue holders turned out great! I'm sure they'll love them. And that bag is stinkin' cute.
Way to whip out the gifts, my friend! And really, no one but you thought that haircut was horrible.
Oh, Charlie........ Now I will be speaking with a fake british accent for the next two hours.
What great gifts!I love the bag....can't believe it took 20 minutes.....what speedy fingers you have.
Dang girl...looks like the handmade holiday is kicking in! I whipped up a couple of things myself even...who knew it would kick in like this? You did a beautiful job!!
Gee. Are you turning into a Martha Stewart? Whipping up all these great gifts? :-)
Some pretty lovely handmade gifts! Look at you whipping up a bag just because! :)
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