... the discussion of oh my goddess, did you see Britney Spears shaved her head?!
You know, we had to discuss the Important Topics of Life.
Oh, how I wish I had more interesting things to discuss. ::sigh::
Actually, I am needing some help on something...
We are nearly past all the birthday celebrations, which means I can refocus my goals for the year. One of my biggest goals to complete is to finish the entry room.
On Thursday, I spent some up close and personal time with an exacto knife and hot, hot water to get all the remains of the blue tape off the windows.
The next step is to figure out the flooring. Anyone know of a good floating floor that won't look like wood (because we have wood floors under the carpet that we hope to refinish one day and I don't want to jack with two kinds of wood floors, hello, OCD) but something a little more formal (for lack of a better word) than cork?
Also, (because, you know, that's not enough to ask), anyone know of a good fabric line to make new valances for the entry room and new curtains for the living room and a chair cover? The entry room is a sage green and the living room is khaki with dark red accents, and I'm thinking of making funky patchwork. I was thinking of the new Flea Market Fancy color scheme, but the colors don't seem to be quite right.
And thanks for the requests for the gluten-free strawberry cake! I'll post the recipe in two to three weeks, if that works out for everyone.
Oh I wish I had some good suggestions but I'm also bogged down by home improvements and a husband who doesn't like strange people in his home which makes said improvements nearly impossible. Good fun, I tell you, good fun.
Um, no ideas on the color scheme, but good luck with that one. And thanks for the "heads up" on the Britster. I guess I've been living under a rock.
There are some laminate floors that look pretty cool- like big tiles. Go browse around a flooring place. They snap together like Pergo.
Good luck with your color and fabric selections!
(Britney Spears is losing it. The part she hadn't already lost I guess.)
how happy am i that i didn't know about britney's head?!
(oh, wait - now i KNOW! DOH! :(
I am sorry I do not know the answers to any of your questions but the flowers sure are pretty. Good luck I cannot wait to see what you decide to do, as your tastes are always spot on1
Do you have Amtico in the US? Comes in loads of different finishes and is really hard wearing. Pricy though...
Looking forward to hearing it.
I am always particularly in love with Michael Miller prints. They have about a billion of them. You can see what they have on their website and then try to find them in stores. They have great retro and vintage looking fabrics. But see, that's no help if what you really want is batik style craziness.
Guess I'm no help. Darn it.
I remember you talking about the floating floor before but I'm not sure what materials lend themselves to your needs. When we needed non-wood flooring we looked at vinyl. Vinyl can be quite toxic, but Marmoleum (sp?) is all natural and comes in zillions of styles. Really cool stuff. But, of course, we couldn't afford it.
Yep, still not being helpful.
I love your hyacinth though.
Sorry. I can't help with colors and decorating. But, I'm offering my support :-)
(And, at first I thought Brittney's hair, or lack of, was an early April Fool's joke. I guess the joke was on me!)
I like that color scheme, I very recently have a similar scheme going on, mostly chocolate and tealish - I actually just changed it after Valentines' where i got tired of the red and pink, it all started with my tablecloth and started spreading allover the freakin' place. And btw, thanks for the britney info, funny they didn't mention anything on NPR...
Hey there- About the flooring- check out the new issue of domino magazine. There are some great "green" ideas on flooring in there. You might look into bamboo- sort-of wood-like, and definitely more formal than cork.
(first time visitor)
I love to decorate...but I need to be in the actual space (I know...likely story right?) And that Brittany thing...weren't we all shaving our heads back when Sinead was? I tell you...the shock value just isn't quite there is it?
I miss the old slutty Britney. Sob.
We have slate looking laminate by Armstrong. I cannot even tell you how much I love it. I super love it, I would marry it if only the state of CA would allow it love it.
It always looks clean even when it isn't. And its been shiney and nice for the 5 years (more or less) that we've had it, and we have dogs with scratchy nails.
And did I mention, love it?
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