Thursday, February 22, 2007

Live Those Dreams, Scheme Those Schemes

While running errands yesterday, the boys and I stopped at a quilt store to look at some 30's reproductions.

The boys both freaked because they wanted fabric. Darwin was grabbing fabric by the bolts, and Griffin was carrying five bolts around.

I finally made them narrow their choices down to two each (Darwin chose the "raindoes" and bugs, Griffin got the yellow circles and orange stripes), purchased some fat quarters and figured I'd make them some little artist drawing cases.

And now a couple of corners of our home, courtesy of the Birthday Booty...

Cha-Cha-Chia, soaking in the sink...

... and Lego Aqua Raiders.

Oh my, the obsession is Out Of Control.


Anonymous said...

My son does the same thing at the fabric store... goes crazy and insists that he has to pick out fabric for me. Apparently, he likes it all too. Your boys made some really cute choices!

Anonymous said...

I think the boys wanting fabric helps to balance out the lego obsession. Right? Right?

Oil Cloth Junkie said...

I hope my son will grow into an appreciation for fabric because right now, whenever I take him into a fabric store, he immediately begins to cry. It's so sad.

Anonymous said...

Which obsession is getting out of control? I assume you mean the Ch-ch-ch-chia or the fabric, not the Legos. Because to criticize Legos would be blasphemy. ;)

vintagechica said...

OK good. My boys arent the only ones who get excited by all the fabric choices. Good to know that they are normal boys just with mamas who love fiber.

Anonymous said...

oh, i'm sure the quilt shop ladies loved you guys! :)

my kids HATE the fabric store, so i gave up taking them. it is pretty overstimulating when you think about it.

Mia said...

Legos.. makes me laugh. My stepson was absolutely addicted to those things and he got new sets for every holiday for about 10 years. That was the one thing he really wanted when he moved and got married.. to take his legos. Can't say I blame him.. they are so expensive he probably had several thousand dollars worth in that huge tote!!

See.. it's an investment!

lera said...

Cute fabrics. The boys did a nice job. (My boys are always 'helpful' too.)

Can't wait to see the Chia in full bloom!

Anonymous said...

That lego shark is really cool. We have real ones just down the road. And crocodiles. Seriously.

What is a Chia????

Anonymous said...

Ooh, my husband would be jealous. He absolutely cannot wait for the day that Legos gain some popularity in our house.

PamKittyMorning said...

Who would not love a Ch Ch Chia pet, particularly the Scooby Head. Love the madeline with the candle. My kind of birthday treat.

Chickenbells said...

Wow, they made some great choices! I can't wait to see the finished products...And the birthday bootie was really great...I've never had a chia anything, but they look like tons of fun!!