This is the view from the breakfast room (read: the pathetic little excuse for a dining room) doorway. I'm not jazzed about the curtains, specifically those little "decorative" things swagging from the top. I'd love to replace the curtains with something like Manda's barkcloth.

From here, you can see the "official" front door (that we never use -- bad chi), a blockaded door to Aaron's cave and the plaid jumping couch (as long as no one is sitting there, the children are allowed to jump and be crazy on that couch). We use to have prints hanging above the couch, but there were way too many destructive moments of taking them off the wall and flinging them across the room. Eventually, I'd love to get an ubber-cool old-fashioned upright piano to put there.

Here's an overhead shot from the front door... you can see our humongous old wardrobe that's suppose be here in the entry room (but isn't due to the never ending construction that is plastering and painting) -- we use it as a coat closet because we don't have a coat closet in this freaking old house (nor do we have a linen closet or a pantry. Stupid old house). You can also see the red tv armoire; on top of it is a lamp (we use to have two six-foot tall stained glass lamps, but each child broke one -- I've fixed them both, but they aren't coming out until they go to college or decide to follow a band around the country, whichever comes first), a healing-rock and boxes hiding kids movies.
I'd like to, whenever that phantom piano arrives on my doorstep, get a corner tv armoire and angle the couch away from the window, get a couple of club chairs, an area rug and make the room more cozy... but for now, this is the kids' favorite place to play (they drag their toys from the playroom in here) and be crazy.
Underneath the carpets we have original hardwoods -- it is a goal in the next few years to rip out the carpets; hopefully, we won't have to refinish the hardwoods underneath.
Mmmmkay. Everyone happy now? Questions?
Sounds like you all do a lot of living in that room -- and that's really the point. Everything else is totally frosting.
Am I going to have to show my living room next. Oh dear.
oh - and like the bright red TV case - bold.
That giant armoire is very cool! And it's great that the kids have lots of play space. You have great windows there too! Thanks for playing along ANd for standing on something high, which I'm sure you should not be doing, to get that from the ceiling shot. uh hum.
Oh gawd, I didn't stand on anything, I held the camera over my head.
I'm not that stupid.
Are we supposed to show our living rooms? When? Where?
Love that red tv cabinet! The walls look like that suede looking paint. Cool. I love that the kids are just doing their thing with out a care in the world.
I think my outlaws have that same tv cabinet - or a similar one at least. And a jumping couch? How fun is that? We just have a jumping bed (not really but the kids seem to think so) which may explain why my sheets are always wonky. And Lazy Town is Aidin's favorite show too. :)
i like your armoire! very cool.
we don't have a lot of closets either in our old house. we added one and the whole family uses it. and that's a lot of people for one closet. we have to hang our coats in our mud room/laundry room that we created.
A jumping couch. What they are really for eh? and thanks so much for getting that damn song stuck in my head.
Your word identification for me today is zinooz. It sounds like a real word.
Of course the kids are naked!! Living in a hot climate, my kids didn't wear clothes until they were school aged (seriously!!). Some days I was soooo jealous...
Oh no! You fell for that wiley Angela's trick. She is soooo bad.
I love the tv cabinet. It would go perfectly with my decor. I guess I will have to clean up so I can show off per the colorfool!
We don't have a jumping couch, but BC is allowed to jump nonstop on his... er, I mean my... king size bed.
Mine are...naked and under forts usually that is! I love your windows. I want windows too!
Your house is way too clean.
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