One minute, he's a monkey jumping all over me screaming, "Ooooo... Eeeee... Ooooo... Eeeee." The next moment, he's laying in doorways rubbing his back with the carpet, purring, "Meeeoooowww, meeeeooowwww..."
Next thing I know, he's fetching toys, licking me on my face and barking at everything. In these moments, he insists on being called Sizzles, complete with British accent.

And let us not forget, he's a big ham with a major side of cheese.
Yesterday Aaron came home from work very flustered -- they want to send him out of town a trip that will be at least a week long. I was scheduled to go back to my doctor on Friday the 25th, but because Aaron's trip is currently scheduled for him to leave on the 20th and Kathy (my stepmom and free babysitting provider) goes back to teaching college on the 21st, my appointment is now on the 18th. WHICH THEORETICALLY MEANS I HAVE TEN DAYS LEFT OF WEARING THIS GOD FORSAKEN BOOT.
Yes, I realize it will probably be another month before I'm back to resuming normal activities (Can. Not. Wait. Oh. Sweet. Jesus.), but the sooner I get this freaking boot off, the better.
You all do not want to know what it feels and smells like wearing something like this when the average temperature is 104 degrees outside.
Dis. Gust. Ing.
Yea! moved up appointment! Boo! Aaron going out of town for antoher week!
And we are having the same identity crisis at our house. It works pretty well when I need something. I just tell Eliot to fetch. His teachers say he is a doggie at school too, which they don't mind except when he's in the bathroom. What? They don't think lifting his leg on the potty is a good example for the younger babes in the class?
And I LOVE Charlie & Lola. I wish my kids would speak with a british accent. Lately, Aidin only wants to speak baby talk. So annoying!
Wahoo on the boot! I hear ya on the smells? Even little Ava has some creepy smells coming from her toes from wearing those corrective shoes. Yuck!
Woohoo on ditching the boot! But Aaron leaving town? That sucks big time. I am going insane myself with my husband gone, and I have no broken foot or stinky boot to deal with.
I love the photo of Darwin. He looks like an eeeeevil genius plotting his next project!
sounds like darwin is having a lot of fun over there! what an exciting "zoo" you have there.
very good news about your drs. appt!!! yipee for you. the sooner the better, i think.
10 days! 10 days? That is great. Aaron leaving, not so great. Give and take here, huh?
Darwin is so freaking cute. Ham biscuit!
Are you going to have a boot taking off party?
My girls are foxes,squirels and badgers at the minute.It's funny as they adopt American accents frequently enough to almost worry me how much TV they watch!Don't you just love that cbeebies website?
Darwin cracks me up - do you have to reply in kind? We have a lot of wierd cat conversations in our house.
In Australia our kids use AMERICAN accents when they are playing! I guess the Engish ones aren't different enough. I can imagine your boot - my Dad had his leg in plaster for six months when he was 20 and he told me it smelt and looked like CHEESE when it came off.
I shattered my leg and ankle a few years back in the middle of summer whilst visiting Florida. After emergency surgery and the subsequent cast that I wore for what seemed forever, I say the least. Bless your heart is all I can say--I truly feel for you. However, I must say that I find your blog entries very funny despite the "challenges" you face.
I love the whole Sizzles are so entertaining.
oh gross. I hadn't thought about the sweaty leg portion of the program. And as for the ID crisis - yeah. Here too. Most days my DD is not my DD.
Hey - they moved your appointment up! That's great - now just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...
Schecky loves to be a dog, too. This phase has take 5 years longer to grow out of than I would have thought.
I love Charlie and Lola. Scheck's actually a little too old for it, but will humor me and watch it with me sometimes. I love the Lauren Child books - particularly the C&Ls, and the Clarice Beans...
Saltwater pools are great! No nasty chlorine and your skin doesn't dry out and go yucky. Hey, Laura, when did you disappear off my link list?? I've put you back on but don't know how I lost you!
I have never had a cast or a boot, but i have heard that the lack of friction causes your hair to really grow. Won't that be fun?
Mr. Ham with Cheese is a major cutie pie!
I hope that stank boot gets the boot this time and you are free to dance the dance of freedom.
I remember when my bro had a cast he said it itched under there - with the heat and the sweat - I can only imagine. Well, I don't really want to imagine...I'm glad it's coming off soon.
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