You know what?
She was right.
I picked up toys before I took photos.
Here's what it typically looks like...

Except, usually, Griffin is in a thinking chair (purple chairs) instead of having his nose in the corner. He graduated to such an honor by being put in the thinking chair and deciding to pick up a lego and poke Darwin in his blind eye.
On a lighter, more fun note...
I've received more goodies...

LLA sent me some purty nail polish and a homemade washcloth (love it!).

I also received this beautiful handmade card from Cheryl along with one of these in fushia (Dear Blogger: Hate you too). Apparently, she misses photos of my garden... well, I miss my garden too. I've been wanting to get out there and take photos of its pathetic existence. I'm about two years behind due to the fucking broken foot, damn heat and crap-ass amount of rain we haven't been getting.
Well, I must be going now. Darwin just brought me the diaper wipes and proclaiming, "Shit! Shit! Shiiiiiiiiiiit!" Honestly, I don't know where these children get their foul language.
Don't know me, don't know you but today I was about to post a pic, and saw yours, it put a smile on my face, it shows life how it ireally is, messy, with thins left everywhere by someone that used them and got bored after a while because they got distracted with something else. Kids, they are amazing, they live how we all should ( or at least try to), it is amazing to see that being in different parts of the world(i'm from Argentina) people feel, smile, do things simmilar...amazing, thatnks for that.( sorry , my grammar is terrible)
ohmygod. i cannot stop laughing right now. picturing darwin with the wipes screaming "shit" is about the funniest thing ever! i'm still laughing........ (and even with the toys i think you're living room is pretty damn clean. looks immaculate compared to my last apartment, actually.)
THat's pretty funny.
I walk into my l. room on Sunday after Keely had been in there alone and MYGOD! It was a disaster. I should have taken a photo. Newspapers everywhere, dress up clothes, toys, you name it...well, no shit, but everything else. 8-)
Glad you're still getting nice mail goodies. 8-) funstuff.
oooh! nail polish to paint the toenails of the soon-to-be "un-casted" foot?!?!
and messy house??? puh-lease! come see what damage 5 kids can do (with a mom who can't bend over easily) and you will be happy with yours!! just kidding. i know you have boys and that you are crippled right now... (notice i'm not "flashing" my house?? there's a reason behind it....)
Too funny about the shit! :) I’m wondering if we’ll be getting some payback for watching so many hours of “Deadwood” when we thought Elise was too little to understand anything.
Still way too clean.
that photo with his nose in the corner made me almost pee my pants. And of course the diaper comment was pretty funny too.
Oh too funny! Darwin is a character.
Your living room is still clean compared to my office! I think I'm just going to use a blow torch to clean it next time.
Yeah, my living room is usually strewn with toys as well. And there's usually a kid in the corner too.
Darwin cracks me up!
ahhhhh - that's better. Your living room now looks like mine. Oh my - darwin is quite funny. He and my daughter would have quite the conversation!
oh, come on! You need two buckets of leggos dumped all over the floor so that no adult person can walk around the room before it is REALLY messy. And add to that 6 miles of train track.
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