I decided to really go crazy and make some gluten-free mini-cupcakes. And I have to say, I restored my faith in my ability to cook (because Griffin's birthday cake was not up to my satisfaction).

Gluten-free chocolate mini-cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting (gah, that's a mouthful).
(Someone gave me the nicest compliment: she said they didn't taste gluten-free.)
The party started with all the kids running through the house screaming at the top of their lungs. Then I convinced them to do an art project...

Pay special attention: the alien is on the rocket.

Every birthday must have legos.
Then it was time for treats...

This is the only photo of Darwin and his candles. But the effect is rather cool, yes?

Mandatory family photo. Love how the birthday boy is not looking and flashing his belly. Thanks.

Darwin couldn't have any mini-cupcakes (damn you eggs and dairy allergies!), so he had sorbet instead. Mmmmm...

Gee, I don't know. Do you think he had a good time?
Darwin's birthday is Thursday and he'll officially be two years old (and no longer a baby).
(No longer a baby? Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)
There's a baby age limit?Oh no don't tell Josie she will be gutted!Looks like everyone had a great time especially 'sorbet chops!'
The party looks like it was so much fun - and I am so impressed with how the cupcakes turned out! They look positively delicious! (Where do you find the cool baking cups? I love how they look!)
Krisi took pics of him blowing the candles too.
(I think it was my fault the picture is blurry. I turned the camera on a funky setting to take a picture and then Brook fixed it.)
And I say it again, the cupcakes ROCKED.
Awwwwwww....so sweet and cute and what nice family photos. Those cupcakes looked so yummy! Happy Birthday little man! 8-)
Well, maybe he's not a baby, but Bea will be 2 1/2 on Friday and she is definitely still a baby. She is. No, she is too! Is too. Glad the cupcakes and party turned out nice.
ahhhh - he'll always be your baby. And your cupcakes are pretty - very martha of you!
The cupcakes look so yummy! Great family photo.
I am so glad you had a good time. I cannot wait for the cookbook. Have pity on me, Lily's birthday is next month.
i love cup cakes...and those look yummy...
sounds like a really fun time.
--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com
Fun party; the cupcakes look delicious sans gluten!
No more babies? Must we be so black and white? And what about another, if Griffin and Darwin simply cannot comply w/ the anti-aging law??
You look beautiful - you, your babies, your whole family.
Oh wait... and I'm impressed that you GOT THEM TO DO A CRAFT!!!!!
you got all that together with Aaron out of town???..
You are AWESOME!
And you blogged about it. cool.
No age limit on babies... they are always babies ! Those pictures are too cute ! I do remember being exhausted when my kids were preschoolers... hang in there !
looks like it was a fun party! the boys look so happy! the last picture is the BEST...love it!
I went through a low-fat high-fiber phase several years back where I was determined to make high-fiber desserts for all my friends. It felt SO good when my friends ate them and liked them. I know your gluten-free cooking is a life-long thing so that's where it's different, but I'm still in my fiber phase - just not trying to get everyone else to join me anymore. A girl at church just left yesterday for a week long celiac camp. She was SOOO excited about the food she was going to get to eat. It looks like the party was a huge success. We must have Legos in this house as well. :)
Um, that was supposed to say Kristi.
And your friend's name was Brook, wasn't it?
Cale always gets tons of Legos too. I think he has those Bob the Builder ones. We could probably build a small village.
It was sad when Cale turned 2. He'll always be *my* baby but he's no longer a baby. He loves that he's a big boy now. But boy is he starting to be terrible!!! :D
Glad the party went well, but sorry about the tears. I know how hard it is to have a husband away a lot.
Looks like he had a GREAT time and yummy!
cute family photo.
Darwin looks happy and doesn't seem to mind the sorbet instead of yummy cupcakes!
how long is Aaron gone THIS time?
happy birthday darwin!
love the belly shots, love that brother opened his presents. :)
You are amazing! Happy Birthday to your little guy.
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