Ah, yes. It has been one of those days.
Earlier today, it acted like it was going to rain. Notice I said acted like. We really need rain. My grass is turning brown and I'm too
You survived? Great! You didn't? Well then, they shouldn't have been selling you in the nursery. Should they?
Perhaps I need to adopt that attitude a little more towards my children. Hmmmm.
Anyway... they played in the sandbox...

And ate lots of sand.

You can see a little of that rash on the chubalicious left leg. (The rash on the right foot is the atopic dermatitis.)

And got into a sandfight (see how freaking dark it is? My camera had to use the flash. Mother Nature must be PMSing to get my hopes up for the rain like that).

Can they fix it? Yes, they can.

And they have to concentrate while they fix it.
Oh, and fine, some gratuitous garden photos. Stop twisting my arm already.

Peach day lillies and Echinacea (Echinacea, you will be the death of me! I will pull all of you out yet! Argh! Damn weeds!)


The daylilly brigade, ready for summertime battle. Let's take a closer look at our troops, shall we?

Red-y, orange-y lilly.

Peach-y dream.

Yellow flames a'fire. (Yes, I'm making these all up by myself. Impressed?)


Watch-out-I-may-just-burn-you lilly.
Okay. That was exhausting. Gah.
We have the same gardening philosophy. Your daylillies are very pretty. I'm sure your names are better than their given names. Sorry your boys are red and itchy.
gah to the rash!
lovely flowers!
All I can think of is Roseola. Fever, runny nose, rash.
Pretty flowers!
The "hell-hath-no-fury" lilly is simply stunning. Much like a woman, no? So beautiful, but she shall smite you if crossed.
Pretty flowers. And the rash? Viral rash (that's UK doctor speak for 'your kid obviously has spots but I have no idea what they are, so let's fob you off with some paracetamol and hope to God it goes away by itself'). But seriously, they tend to get it a couple of weeks after they've had another virus. And it does usually pass without problems.
Dr Ali diagnoses online - just press a glass to it and make sure it's not meningitis. Oh, and don't sue me :)
I wish my weeds were actually desirable flowers like yours! All in the eye of the beholder. Fun sandbox play, I tell you what.
Easy photo post! Good shots and no idea about the rash! 8-(
Your flowers look great and that is how I garden too! I'll help you a little but really you're on your own.
I vote for viral rash (my doctor speaks that language too!) I believe it is a delayed immune response, but don't sue me if I'm wrong.
I'll check my photos of the party and pass on any good ones. Soon. Right now I am busy freaking out over my IL's visit, though.
Your daylilies are beuatiful! I wish I lived close enough to get some ;-)
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