Um, yeah.
He could come home for the weekend and go back out on Monday, but then he couldn't come home next weekend for Darwin's birthday party. So... there you go.
(And don't even get me started on him possibly going back out on that Monday and being gone for another two weeks, possibly imposing on our planned trip to Michigan to visit his family for the 4th of July. And don't even get me started how some people think it would be perfectly acceptable for Aaron to miss his son's birthday party and birthday, but GOD HELP US ALL if his company remotely jacks around with the Michigan plans.)
Anyway, new topic!
I received my trim swap earlier this week from the wonderful Teresa (who lives in beautiful Portugal, ohmygoddess I'm so jealous).

She sent me seven beautiful vintage trims, and they are all perfect for me. Wonderfully detailed and clean lines, I love them.

She also went above and beyond and sent me two sets of vintage buttons (which I will totally use) and a beautiful handmade green beaded ring that fits perfectly. I didn't even want to take it off my hand to take the photo. But I did. Because I'm nice like that.

She also sent me some hard candies, and even made sure they are gluten free. How sweet is that? I can't wait to tear into them!
The person I sent to hasn't posted if she has received her package or not yet, so I'll write (and post photos) after she does (or maybe I'll just link it if I'm feeling lazy).
Today I also signed up for cotton strudel's magazine swap. I love me some easy swappin'. Anyway -- go sign up! And see how people in other parts of the world live!
That is TOO MUCH TRAVEL. I'm preaching to the choir. Sorry.
Those photos look like they were taken underwater -- that table has a weird effect. Hey - you could use that to your advantage in some cool photos I bet.
DUDE AAron man what is the deal? This job of his is rough and wtf about his family? That is messed up! It's his son's freakin' birthday! my gawd.
You are a swap loving fool aren't ya? I'm such a swap scaredy cat. Those are awesome trims you got and the mag. swap is a groovy idea. overseas shipping will unfortunately cost more than the mag.s though right? Can ya teleport them or something?
So sorry about your husband. I don't think I could deal with that. Looks like you got some great thigns in your swap!
Tell hubby to get his ass home! I'm sure that wouldn't work, but maybe it'd be therapeutic.....
Hmmm. your swap stuff seems fun. I wonder if you could swap in-laws with someone overseas. You know, just temporarily, of course, until Aaron's traveling less.....
hate. traveling. husbands.
so sorry for you.
love the trims and buttons, though. lucky you.
What does Aaron do, anyway? That really stinks that he's gone so much. I would be a wreck.
Great swap stuff - kind of a nice diversion from hubby being gone. Grea job scheduling it that way. :o)
Nice swap haul!
That husband of yours is worse than mine for being away.
Hey, do you have Wife-swap in the USA? (it's a TV show, not a lifestyle suggestion!) Just a thought....
You are welcome, hope you enjoy the candy - and I so love vintage trims, it was fun going hunting for some for you. Though somewhat depressing as well, makes you realize the modern stuff still being made is just not as nice. Though I think the white bias tape with the little lace edging is modern, or at least I hope so!
18 DAYS!!! Poor you. I can totally relate. Doing the single mom thing is tough.
Beautiful trims and buttons!
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