You suffer from that too, right?
Aaron and Griffin spent the weekend out sicking each other. Like some damn competition. Then Darwin goes and raises the bar by slipping in the hallway and splitting his chin open. Which required a trip to the ER. For stitches. Four stitches. And a diagnosis of a half-an-inch-deep laceration. And a really strong chin bone.

Aaron took it all way worse than anyone else with a gigantic freakout over the the blood! the blood! oh my god, the blood! Which made me realize: he's never been home during a serious (or even semi-serious) accident. Always at work and just meets us at the hospital. Welcome to my world buddy.
Darwin's fine. I promised him new Legos if he managed to keep his shit together, which he did. He did deep breathes and quizzed addition problems during the stitching, he was quite the trooper (and rewarded with new Legos yesterday - Indiana Jones ones because we couldn't find a Batman set with Batman in it for less than 50 bucks). We just have to keep it clean and covered and blah, blah, blah.
The biggest issue is coming up with a better story to impress the ladies with. "Slipping on dirty laundry while running in the hallway and then falling" is not a very badass story.
Oh my gosh - I'm glad he's okay. What a tough little guy!
Glad he's all right! He can always tell the girls it's from a swordfight or a velociraptor bite, or a mad science experiment gone wrong.
What a trooper! I'm glad he's going to be okay. I think stitches are usually harder on the parents - sounds like you both were troopers.
Surely we can invent "tougher" story than that... Kristi has the right idea.
I'm so glad he's ok!
It's taken me 9 years to get used to the fact that little kids bleed! Really. I can deal with it but I don't like it! A had a big nose bleed at the hotel a couple weeks ago. Hotel+white towels+bloody nose=you think I axe murdered someone!
oh you know what else? now when i see blood my first instinct is DONT GET IT ON ANYTHING TO STAIN!!
(besides hotel towels-they aren't mine so I don't care!)
Ouch! Poor Darwin.
Ouch! I am so not looking forward to that day with my son. It seems all boys need stitches at some point. So far we have been able to handle everything with ice and liquid bandage.
Mark did the exact same thing - in the gym at school so at least the blood got mopped up by someone else.
And I hate to tell you, but it popped open twice more before it healed fully.
And my hubby just doesn't do blood. At all.
oooohh, better come up with a good story ;)
Poor baby! I split my chin when I was 8 and still have the scar to show for it.
Boy, he'll do anything for new LEgos, eh?
He's creative. I'm sure he'll come up with lots of good stories over the next twenty years...
dar looks like tuckie does in the photo of your last post
Yikes! I'm glad D is alright. Your hubby hyperventilating like that? That's me. When my girl needed 5 stitches in her knee a couple of years ago, I had to put my head between my legs so I wouldn't pass out. Same with her getting suspicious mole removed. Yeah, I'm a wimp when it comes to blood on my baby. Anyone else or myself, no prob.
Oh it's a match!! My Clancy has one exactly the same from a swimming lesson gone wrong when he was three.
Aaron is right about the blood - chins bleed A LOT.
Poor kid. But getting stitches is kind of like a boy's rite of passage into the kid big leagues, right?
I find that in general men are not the best in blood drenched situations. If I ever met a man who could suavely navigate through an emergency situation, be calm and capable, and make me look like a flipping basket-case I think I would go weak in the knees.
I've never met such a man though so I think my marriage is safe.
My guy's got a chin divot from when he was riding his bike and the handles came OFF his bike. When the bike wrecked because he couldn't steer, he flew over the front of the bike and skidded down the street on his chin. At the emergency room, they squirted anesthetic into the wound, it all just dribbled out because there was no skin to hold it in. Darwin can borrow that badass story. :)
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