Yeah. That would be every day.
So I was all ooooohhhhh, awesome, charts! and decided that we needed to save that episode and watch it as a family this weekend.
Oh my hell.
Now, I will say they have ROCKIN' hair. But oh my hell, they are obnoxious.
Not to say science needs to be serious at all times, but the mom and the teacher movin' their groove thing? Talk about ruining a child's expectations of how a parents should dance. And he carries around a microphone that he can make give him applause? Hell no, we're not getting one of those -- my kids have inflated egos enough, thank you very much.
Luckily, Sid pulls his shit together and gets Scientific on our asses.
More shows need to get Scientific on our asses. And I'm not talking Eureka scientific, which forces us to explain to Griffin that it's not really science, a lot of what they do isn't possible. Yes, yes, maybe someday someone can bend the time-space continuum but not now, honey. No, no not for your first science fair. Maybe something with dissolving aspirin in hot and cold water instead, mkay?
But, the boys love this show. They enjoy watching the episode. And we've decided to suspend allowance for a short time to work on a chart instead (it was Griffin's idea).

He picked out a Lego he wanted, Aaron and I decided on an appropriate amount of squares (and what those squares equated to) and Griffin's excited.
And I'm really hoping this ends the Let's go to Target and look at Legos! mantra.
oh, my goodness that is one annoying show. and it's the show that's on as we're getting ready for school. yikes.
my boy goes around yelling 'i'm a rock star!'
why does everyone think that the little kids need freaky cgi animation?
you guys are awesome parents. seriously.
Sid drove me crazy too! Though I will let my son watch it - the science teacher in me does like it and perhaps it will improve my dance moves. My three year-old came away from it wanting to make charts too, so it beats some of the crap on TV.
Though I must admit, it did not live up to other Henson things that we love.
Sorry, that comment is from me...
I refuse to watch the movies ... but I'm in love with any kid that resorts to chart-drawing when communicating his lego viewing needs. You lucky, lucky mom. (I'm not being sarcastic.)
Of course Alice is all pro-chart..
That figures (i say with love and no real chart making Chutzpa of my own)..
Personally I am relieved that Sid was not on the scene for our formative science years.. It was Bill Nye the Science GUY...
And I really have his autograph and it's personalized.
thought about you and you wee one and his lego...my guys have played with lego all summer long and yes we to have a Can we go to Tescos to look at the lego...which usually ends up with more being bought...I have no restraint, I too have grown to love the stuff, I build it they play with it....
Hi there! Found your blog through the rinrins. You are so funny! What ever happened to the days of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood...a nice calm show....no booty shakin'....no obnoxious singing with big puppets. I'd rather my kids watch him and maybe want to wear a cardigan and some keds....sure that ain't gonna happen.
I wondered what that show was. I saw it listed before Super Why which we like. I have to let them watch. We aren't too scientific around here. We need more of it.
Love the chart!! I always have to add on extra time at Target for the toy aisle.
Cheers! LA
Their heads scare me.
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