Temperatures were brought down in just enough time to attend Harry Potter Camp yesterday and holyfuckingshit, was that ever a mad house of 60-some-odd kids and not-quite-organized chaos. Fun, though. But hot. And did I mention the chaos?

The highlight of the past few days has been this damn butterfly that wanted to take my lawful position as Aaron's wife. The little bitch wouldn't leave him alone, even followed him into the house multiple times. I was ready to let her take over my role, maybe she could knock some sense into his grocery shopping skills (you hear the sarcasm, right?). Why oh why do men buy items not on the list, the wrong brand and the wrong size. I now officially understand all joking of beating a husband upside the head with a frying pan.
Note: please send a nice frying pan my way. Or a person who follows a list. Either will do nicely.
I totally get the grocery list thing. That is how we end up with mini chocolate doughnuts and jumbo size containers of the wrong peanut butter. :) Man, I am such a control freak about the groceries. And then I complain about having to go to the grocery store. Bad Amy.
Sorry about the strep. Strep should not exist in July.
wow, great shot! and sorry about the sickness... i hope it didn't linger to long.
Hope you are all feeling better. My husband cannot follow a list either. He buys the wrong things all the time. He makes a lot of substitutions etc. I keep trying though because I have faith that someday he will be trained and understand how to shop. right?
illness should be illegal during the summer. But, I'm glad you didn't bring it to my house! :) Hope everyone is on the mend... & there are no additional flare ups.
Sounds very familiar about the shopping list!
Pretty butterfly!
glad everyone is feeling better...love the butterfly picture!
We always end up with oreos, sour patch kids, and too much deli meat. Go figure.
Now, see, my husband buys EXACTLY what's on the list (and nothing else)- and the most expensive version of it. And god forbid he buy something that's on sale and is a GREAT deal! But I can see I'm in the minority here by thinking it's a bad thing. LOL
I've actually thought of downloading photos of things and making a picture shopping list.
Strep sucks and it appears to be going around. I have my fingers and toes crossed that it skips my house. Hope everyone is feeling better!
I've found that, when I send Mr. Tonks to the store, I give him very, very explicit lists that details brand, color of packaging, approximate price, etc. It helps. Sometimes.
Ugh. Strep sucks. Sorry to hear it ruined the long weekend for you.
I only send Honey to the store if I don't actually need what he's going to buy for me. Because he'll inevitably come home with a 12-pack of Sprite Zero, a bag of M&Ms and nothing else.
Ugh - I hope you are all on the mend. Being sick anytime sucks but in the Summer, it's just criminal.
I think I'm in the minority here. I send hubby to the store with a list, he doesn't veer off of it. It's great for the checkbook but puts a damper on my late night junk food cravings. Can't win for loosing.
What a pretty little butterfly! Shall we call your hubby the Butterfly Whisperer?
Oh...butterfly lurve how tender and sweet...you think she could push a shopping cart? (and how do we know it's a she?)
I'm sending the pan over stat...
awesome photo!
Thankgod!!!! I thought I had married the only man allergic to following a list. He gets the list,looks at the list and then edits it and brings home crap.Did the same thing at Ikea last week.To save $10,he bought things that needed building and sanding and painting as opposed to ' pop a couple of screws in' and admiring your work.They're still in their plastic.Loving what Mary said.Thats it isn't it?! : )
Oh the hell of the grocery list... mine is terrified of my grocery lists because he is incapable of reading the list correctly or of identifying proper brands. I do most of the grocery shopping now because I actually enjoy it.
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