That or light a really nice candle. I'll let you guess which one.
So, yeah, I've become that person -- the one who rattles on and one about everything wrong with her house. This instance? The air conditioner broke. Again. Maybe I didn't write about it previously? But it broke a couple of months ago? I paid for it? With my job? Why did the house decide to break now that I've got a job? We're trying to decrease debt, not increase it. Why is she such a selfish little slut? Doesn't she know I'll be able to dress her up pretty if SHE STOPS NEEDING SURGERY?
So, yeah. Hi. Air conditioner broken. Thank Goddess for artificially-flavored fake-juice freezer pops.

It's fixed now. Temporarily, I'm sure. Since it has a leak. And yes, you had better bet your bottom dollar I'm gonna get that fixed because holy crap, just with the house being hot we were all suffering from heat problems -- rashes, tummy aches, headaches and acidic tummy-vomit. I'm sorry, I'm quite certain you'd want to know that last bit of information about me. Up at 2:30 in the morning. By myself. Throwing up stomach juice.
Had I known, I'd at least have a popsicle first so it was flavored nicely.
But! It's fixed nice! So now I can do stuff instead of laying about like a damsel in distress. Stuff like sticking my face in front of a vent and sucking the sweet, glorious cool air.
No AC sucks. Does your city have a program for helping to pay to get a newer, more energy efficient one?
I am assuming the current one is older.
I wanted to light our old house on fire. I hated that little bitch. I would literally pray that it would get wiped out by a rogue lightning bolt, a tornado, fire, freak earthquake and/or a giant stepping on it. Never happened but we did manage to sell it and get the hell out rather quickly (nothing wrong with the house, just came to despise the area and most of our neighbors).
Speaking of our old digs, the air conditioner had a leak. Long story short: the leak resulted in us getting fucked over and the people who bought it getting fucked over so I'd really lean on the warranty people to replace the unit. Fixing it is roughly $2000.
I feel your pain. I live in "Hotlanta" and just had to replace my upstairs AC unit. It sucks!
It's hot here in the middle. My dog almost refuses to go outside in the middle of the day. Ugh. Hang in there! We only have THREE MORE MONTHS until a cool day.
Oh, goodness. Are our houses working in conjunction or what? My a/c broke a few weeks ago. I've fixed it myself, but it involves using towels to sop up the leak and washing towels twice a day. Aargh.
Also? Everything else is going to hell in a handbasket. I can't find any matches, but I think that it's hot enough outside to self-combust.
(Found you via the BlogHer ad!)
ugh, sorry about the AC trouble. I remember visiting my grandma in Wichita during the summer and whenever the AC crashed... oh boy. it was NOT fun.
I feel your pain. My chimney is falling off the house :/
Good luck, sista!
I suppose it was just the super heat this last week - but our AC 'crapped out' actually froze up. That was the second time this summer.....It has acted up before too---a few pounds of freon fixes it. Well, makes it run but probably contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer since obviously we have a leak.........When it cools the neighbor will come over and check it out to see where the leak is........
I have a similar relationship with our house. We have foundation problems - that we can't afford to fix and can't sell.....
I wonder how I survived childhood. In Kansas. With no a/c. Amazing....
Glad it is fixed.
Excuse me, I have to go find a sweater because my office keeps the air on 68.
way too damn hot. how did people live here before ac?
ugh, I'm sorry. I'm about to say I live in Minnesota. But I brace myself and cover my face in fear of attack. Since people have this idea that Minnesota is always freezing. Right now it's humid and nearing 100. It gets really hot here and if I had no AC, I
start my house on fire?
No, that
Happy to have stumbled across your blog,
Yikes! A broken a/c is no bueno! I mean I suppose we all could go around the house half naked but nobody really wants to see that (referring to me not you). I know the hatred you are feeling for you house. I was like that with our last house. Besides things starting to fall apart the neighborhood was worse. Hopefully as hot as it's been lately, your a/c will hold out for you until you can get the leak fixed.
We hide in the basement all summer because our house doesn't have air conditioning. But, I'm starting to feel the effects, walking around feeling like I've got heat stroke.
Anyway, we've been discussing getting a geothermal heat exchanger put in. It cools it in the summer and heats it in the winter. It's not in our budget, but holy hell, I'm not sure I care.
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