I did mange to stop at the music store and get some sheet music. Bet you can't guess which one I'm working on.
And I'm convinced the cheat sheet will enable the children to learn the keys with its magical powers of osmosis.

I also received my Halloween swap from Tamy. Holy smokes, that lady is crazy (in the good way, of course). Besides the pumpkin, spider wreath, candle and gravestone she also sent a witchy stalking (how bad is it that in order to remember to spell "witch," I first have to spell "bitch"?), faux-candies, treat baggies, paper skeletons, ribbon, miniature pumpkins and glow rings. Seriously, amazing.
Oh, to have more personal bonding time with the couch.
I definitely bonded this weekend, I thinks its important. That, and the DVR was full, and threatening to stop recording.
Love that spider wreath!!!
duh-Duh DUH
da da da DAH duh
da da da DAH duh
DA duh DA duh.
(star wars theme - my daughter is dying to learn how to play those songs)
Dum Dum Dum,
da da Dum,
da da Dum.
(darth vader theme.) :)
I will never again mis-spell witch. Where are you when Mark needs help with his spellings?! Tonight I managed 'laugh has a smile in it' which is pretty lame in comparison!
I"m smitten by the spider wreath and that fantastic candle! Good swappin' there...
And I'm laughing because we have a piano, too (inherited - sadly, none of us play.) And we've got the Star Wars music, too...
My 1-year old nephew's going to be yoda for Halloween and if you sing the darth vader theme, he starts to dance.
I love every single thing that you got in your swap. Awesome!
lady i've got a zillion pieces of sheet music. seriously. a zillion. an entire basement room filled with it.
just tell me what you want.
Love your Halloween goodies. Am I telling my age if I admit I know the song your post title comes from? :)
Yes but when you practice are you wearing big honey buns on your head? Because that would make the experience a visual, as well as audio, treat.
man, that wreath is cool! And I am waiting for the Skywalker recital.
What a fun swap! I agree that you need some bonding time with the couch on a regular basis...and I am requesting that you video yourself when you get your music down so we can all rock out!
My guess is that you are starting with Christmas music. Not.
Great mail.
lego cake. sure you'd need to swap out pretty much everything for happy GF/allergen-free ingredients but it's perfect for the lego-obsessed!
Everybody else beat me to it, but I can't wait to hear the Darth Vader song.
I was scrolling through and saw all your goodies...the paper wrapped around your candle is from the same company I'm doing my scrapbooking line with. I even know the guy who designed that paper! Hah! =)
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