one child + achy belly + six hours = trip to urgent care
blood test + x-rays = inability to see appendix + high white blood count
inability to see appendix + high white blood count = trip to children's hospital ER downtown

three hours of waiting + contraband japanesse cartoons + cell phone = almost worse that drunk dialing
room in ER + nine hours of no fluids + needing an IV = five unsuccessful sticks
five unsuccessful sticks + one successful stick = unhappy child

radio active shots + CAT scans + more x-rays = inconclusive tests
inconclusive tests + really bad constipation - no appendix haloing = close to going home
IV bag + keeping sprite down = discharge papers
discharge papers + prescription + 20 minute drive home = puking in the car
getting home at 4am + cleaning child + puke in car + run to the pharmacy = mommy going to bed at 5am
baby waking up at 6am + realizing grandparents drank all the pepsi = sucks ass
crazed husband on 3 week business trip - child not having appendix surgery = husband not coming home early
husband coming on Friday + husband leaving on Tuesday + another 10 day business trip + sick constipated child = Mommy ready to be admitted into mental institution
you really need some cupcakes. and a thrift shop experience.
wish you lived closer.
oh you poor thing. I hope that your son gets better soon and that hubby can come home and stay for more than a few days
Poor Griffin! He looks so sad. Let me know if you need anything.
poor babe.
I promise not to puke on saturday.
Wow -- that is NOT a good night. So what was causing the high white count then?
Man, Aaron travels more than my dad did when I was little, and he was in sales! It seems like they should pay for him to come home on weekends if he is going to be gone for a month...
I hope you all get some rest tonight.
seriously? I don't know how you do it.
Drugs? Alcohol? Both?
You need visitors with skills. Who will use them.
You poor lady. I can't believe he has to leave again so soon.
I so wish you were fiction writer and the last 4-5 posts were all just part of a suspense novel. No one should have to endure what you have without the aid of substances............... preferably illegal ones.
Hubby owes you BIG time.
Be well everyone!
OH NO! AAAAAAAAAAH! I am so sorry for you both. How awful. Any trip to the hospital is rotten but this one sounds particularly bad. :(
Hope things improve fast!
Oh shit.
You need some sleep.
and some help...
Definitely some help...
Or a business trip.
I wonder how you do it -- makes me feel like a friggin' wimp. If you move out here you'll have at least three friends: gwendomam, the bitter one, and me. :)
I am so so sorry.
mommy+blog= internet friends+hugs
I agree with the cupcake solution... well that and a fifth of tequila. Hang in there!
yikes. hope you got some rest and that things are going better.
Oh, man. what a day. Well, I take it he didn't have to go to the depressing classroom...
Feel better, Mr. G. And Mrs. L.
oh honey. is a trip to the city next week in order?
That poor little guy. It wouldn't be anything they're (not) feeding him at school would it???
And I think I'd be rummaging in the cupboard for something stronger than Ppepsi.
His face! Poor kid! I hope he feels better soon. And you too.
WHY do these things happen with husbands are out of town? WHY? You poor dear. How is he now? Hopefully feeling better!
Oh no, that's just all bad, bad, bad. Has to get better, right? I hope so.
When, exactly, is it that you and your family get a break?
Sorry, hon!
Holy F*%K. So sorry you and babies had to go through all that. I'm glad though, that no surgery was needed.
The husband goes on too many business trips. Is he a spy? Could he change careers?
As usual, that is SO not my business. I just couldn't cope if I were you. Uh, I pretty much can't cope anyway, so save a bed for me at the institution. Will we get cherry jello?
Roooooound here, something radiates
I'm sorry you are dealing with this at all, especially solo. I hope the boy gets better soon.
Put some rum in that pepsi. That sucks. It really can't get any worse so maybe that's a consolation? Hang in there. Maybe you could have had a psych eval at the hospital and they could have admitted you then and there. That actually doesn't sound bad, like a retreat...
Ugh poor little guy. He looks miserable. I hope he is feeling better soon.
Oh dear, I certainly hope husband is able to give you a bit of a break over the weekend! You certainly deserve it!
I cannot imagine going through all that. You have a right to be crazy. You must have been so worried. I'm sorry. I hope he poops soon.
Oh I wish I lived closer so I could come over and watch your kids so you could take a nap! Or we could go get coffee....
oh dear lord, that's horrible! i can't even imagine.
Wow. So awful!!!
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