Because just look what I found a the thrift store today...

... three pristine 1950s listen'n'learn books with little albums. And wouldn't you know it, I still have my child's record player packed away somewhere in the basement. Totally need to go dig that out now.
Last week my friend Kim tagged me for fessing up to eight things you don't know about me. I run my mouth a lot, so I don't know if these will all be new or not.
1. I'm currently going through a crisis of panicking over my house being too brown and it's causing me great stress. All of the sudden I feel like I'm encased in poo. So I'm trying to find some awesome fabric to make new curtains and stuff and I'm failing. Miserably.
2. I talk a lot. No, not a lot -- a lot. And I'm loud. And I have this really horrible high-pitched squeaky voice and I can't stand listening to it because it makes me sound stupid.
3. I actually think eating a gluten-free diet is Really Fucking Easy and I don't understand why people moan and bitch about it after their first six months.
4. I've lost two pounds this week from all this walking Griffin to and from school everyday. My fat ass really needed a walking program.
5. There's some dipshit lady that lives halfway between my house and the school and every morning I actually see her get her two kids in the car, drive them to school and then drive herself home. (Yes, that was about me, because I watched.)
6. I count to three way too fucking much.
7. My dad taught me to be thrifty, always taking me to garage sales and swap'n'shops. Unfortunately for him, he has that issue of Constantly Buying Shit Because It's Cheap, whereas I think I have good taste and only buy things that will be used.
8. I love internet shopping when I can get a deal on the prices and shipping. Not having to drag my demon-horned kids around town to different stores looking for shit rocks. The ability to pick my nose at will is nice too.
I love you and the little demon horned beasties! Hope Kindergarten ended on a happy note this week.
cool records! good for you for NOT driving! (Stupid lady).
and i'm all about online shopping - i'm expecting about 3 packages currently. yes!
Why just eight? Why not one hundred? I feel certain that for you and I, it is really no problem coming up with 100 things on any list.
am I wrong?
I so much enjoyed this list.
Yeah, I actually live less than a mile from my son's school and I drive him to school. Most of the way there is down a big, giant hill, so it never even OCCURRED to me to walk, until I saw my neighbor walking her daughter to school. WITH the dog. How brave. Part of me really, really wants to do this - but that damn hill's so big!!!
I got an awesome stash of records earlier this summer. I've got a picture of them here
(scroll down to the second one titled, Score!)
I know how you feel about walking to school. We walk every day during the school year and I have gotten weak over the summer!
"encased in poo" ha ha ha! What a vision!!
at least it just 'feels like its encased in poo' instead of it 'smelling like its encased in poo'. That would be quite a bigger problem.
You are hysterical!
you're making me giggle again. :)
Two pounds? Whoa, congrats! This list was fun, maybe I should do it someday...hmmmmmm
yes. people are stupid. how people can part with some of these treasures is beond my comprehension. so is not walking three blocks to school.
Love to eight things! Two funny. Thanks for sharing. So glad I'm not the only one who still picks her nose.
In reference to you and HeidiJayHawk, I do give things like that to charities. If I have no use for them and am not enjoying them, why wouldn't I give them to someone who will? Why should I hoard something that someone else would really love?? What am I missing here? Isn't that how it is supposed to work? Would you rather they had left them in a basement somewhere??
If all of us "stupid" fucking people *never* gave to Goodwill you would never, ever have anything to find.......
I wonder what it says about me that your comments made me feel sad about giving.....
Hmmmm..... Still love your blog anyway.
Rebecca F.
Loved the list. Agreed with a few. Can identify with loud talking and internet shopping. It is an addiction.
whoa, rebecca.
i was joking. i donate all sorts of really good stuff to thrift stores too. i'm just amazed at how much good stuff i can find at times.
Oh good!! I didn't realize you were joking. Duh to me......
I went back and read the post with a light hearted, swearing tone and totally get it now. I always enjoy your blog and couldn't figure out why that part of it got to me. I know now it was because you weren't serious.
I guess I gotta work on that thick skin thing alittle. LOL.
Thanks for taking the time to post my comment and respond! I appreciate it.
Rebecca F.
still a fan...
oh please, i have sensitive little feelings too. :-)
No 5 has just got me wetting my pants!
Those records are fantastic.
Your voice does not make you sound stupid.
One day that lady will wish she had used her legs while she could. And she'll wonder why her kids are obese.
I count backward from five. Not much more effective than counting to three, but is mixes things up a bit.
Thrifty is good.
Wonderful as always...Oh...I talk a lot too...and am quite loud as well! We would have too much fun together in the same room...Or, we would get kicked out of various places...
The records are too cool...people get rid of the best shit don't they? Thank goodness for all the scrounging we all do...can you believe I used to be embarrassed to do that?!
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