Thursday, March 11, 2010

The One That Wins Will Be the One Who Hits the Hardest

I'm not designed for breeding.

I know. One would tend to think with these hips and these boobs it wouldn't be any sort of issue for me. But it is. Huge, in fact.

I had my fourth month appointment today, and I've been grateful all week that it was coming up. Because, last night especially, I've been considering calling the doctor on call at night because the tightening of my stomach has been insane. And taking my breathe away.

And I? I would put my feet up, drink a glass of water and tell it to shut the fuck up.

Because, you know, that works.

My doctor concluded today that I'm having pre-term contractions at 15 weeks. It's not too terribly surprising, given this all started with that other doctor hullabaloo and has progressed into when I walk, when I cook, when I go up and down the stairs.

And given that I was on modified bed rest my later-half-of-my-second trimester and full third trimester with Griffin, went into full-fledged premature labor at 20-something weeks with Darwin and was hospitalized multiple times, on strict bed rest and should have had a nurse to keep track of all my keep-the-baby-in-there pills this whole scenario shouldn't come at a surprise, but it's damn disappointing.

The upside is the baby is doing fantastically, I just have a bitch of a uterus who's all "Hey! I know what we do with a baby! We evict it!"

My doctor has a new plan with this pregnancy, something that wasn't available with my other two. Starting tomorrow, I'll be getting weekly progesterone shots. The philosophy is that these shots will calm my uterus down with virtually no side effects - and in all previous patients, they have been able to carry to term without hospital visits and other interventions and have resume "normal" activity throughout pregnancy.

Dear Progesterone:

You better fucking work.


P.S. Please


Aimee said...

Oh, I DO hope it works! I'll be keeping my fingers (and legs?) crossed for you. Bed rest SUCKS, as you well know, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Unknown said...

Yes! Legs crossed all around!

thatgirlblogs said...

feet up!

Michelle said...

Weekly shots sound like a much better option than bed rest this early! Sending you positive thoughts that it works for you!

Rachel said...

I had progesterone shots every day for the first thirteen weeks with Cash. Travis is an excellent shot-giver if you need a backup for when Aaron goes out of town. Also, the nerve endings in your butt will die after the first few shots and then you won't feel them at all. Yay! I hope they do the trick and you avoid bedrest.

Kristy said...

Yeah progesterone please do your job!

Pamela said...

You are very brave. Hope it works! I hate needles!

Unknown said...

I did the progesterone shots with IVF and they're not too bad. After a while, you just get used to it. I think you should just spend your time doing things you want, like sitting at a sewing machine. Surely your uterus would approve.

Chickenbells said...

I'm crossing my fingers for you...until then, STOP jumping on the trampoline! Also? This may be the perfect time to lobby for a maid. Just sayin'

Alicia A. said...

thinking good progesterony thoughts for you...

amy h said...

I hope the progesterone does the trick. No evictions! Rest up.

Dawn Christ said...

Used progesterone for both pregnancies... and I am a firm believer that it does wonders for uterus' that don't behave. Keeping you in my thoughts!

Jersey Knitting Mama said...

Take it easy! I know it's super hard with 2 boys and all. I really hope the shots will tell your uterus to calm down and keep that baby in safe. My thoughts are with you.


Sarah Jackson said...

I'm hoping it's going well. I wish I were closer so I could drag my own pregnant ass over there and help you out. I'm sending lots o' happy thoughts instead, as you know.

Stitchy said...

Please, progesterone, please work for Laura!

Anonymous said...

I will keep you in good thoughts. So no dancing and only watch from the window on those egg hunts. Deep breaths and happy thoughts.

Rebecca F. said...

I hope you are doing okay. I check in on you every day.

Rebecca F.