How are you? How's it goin'? How you doin'?
I'm piled under a craptastic amount of life and holyfuckingshit will someone come dig me out? Please?
I learned to knit on Saturday...
... and only knit. The lady did not trust me to teach me purl. Because, apparently, that's Top Secret Stuff and lo, I have to earn my way into The Secret Society of Knitters.
And, ha!, I'm suppose to have my scarf done by Friday to be given to a homeless person on Monday and boy howdy, I really hope they don't mind the gaping holes that my thumb can fit through.
OMG Too funny! You know, there's another really secret society where they will teach you how to purl. They will even SHOW you how! Can you be trusted with this highly sensitive information?
i learned to knit, and only knit, last friday. BUT i messed up and can't figure out how to fix it w/o going all. the. way. back. i'll just have my knitty friend come over and fix it for me.
Meh...the holes are charming...also necessary to get you on the road to being a good knitter! When I learned to knit I was kicking some serious bootay...and my mom walked over and said, "I don't know exactly WHAT you're doing...but it's not knitting...oh wait! It's purling..."
So technically, I learned to purl...then knit.
Whose idea was it to inflict the homeless with newly learned knitting? Is this the stick or carrot approach? I'm still laughing.
But your yarn is a lovely colour and I always thik that's what is most important.
I dont suppose you are against cheating? I mean it would be such a shame if you looked up knitting stitches on the internet.....;)
Congratulations on learning to knit! You might like this site:
Lots of free videos of how to do different stitches.
Purling is easy. You just place your needle to the front of the stitch, wrap the yarn around, and pull out backwards like. Cornfused yet? Either way, I'm sure the homeless people won't mind a few holes. From what I see on that picture, it's looking pretty good to me. Not that I'm Mrs. Experienced Knitter or anything. But, it definitely looks better than my first time. Keep up the good job!
Well, you are way ahead of me, because I don't even know what purling is. I love the color of the yarn, though.
one day when you grow up you can learn to purl ;)
Yes, holes add lots and lots of character and charm.
I second the suggestion of
It is a nice resource to have when one is confronted with a, greater than thou, instructor!
Did she teach you how to cast off? Because if not, you're really screwed. You'll be knitting FOREVER
I too only knit or maybe only purl, I could never master the difference. Mine was so bad I switched to the knitting looms. Can't display our awesomeness all the time.
Find someone to teach you how to crochet, it is MUCH easier!!!
No, no, no, there's no trust issue over the purling - just that once you do it you get the same sort of fabric as knitting every row. Alternate knit and purl then the magic happens, but it makes for a crap scarf. The holes add loft - all that insulating air, right? Right.
I tried to learn to knit last week.
I read about 15 kniting-tutorial sites, including the ones mentioned here, AND watched a bazillionty videos...I cannot get this casting on thing. I simply couldn't figure it out.
I think I'm going to go to a local "Stich n' Bitch" on Monday night...someone should be able to show me the, yarns,...there.
I was knitting for 23 years before someone taught me how to purl and boy, after I learned how to purl, there was no stopping me there. Look out, you might get addicted.
Congratulations on your first scarve!
Yep, I agree with butzeballchen... if you haven't yet, go check out When my sister and cousin and I wanted to learn to knit, we didn't take classes or anything just watched video from that site. It is awesome. And you can play them over and over and no one gets irritated that they have to show you again and again.
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