And using the term crazy delicious all the damn time.
I never read that series as a kid, so when Aaron called during our first watching I was asking him a million and one questions. Like, Does the ice bitch die? and What the fuck is Edmund's problem?
I love being married to a nerd. ::swoon::
In other news around here, I have found my calling in life.
Oh yes, I have.

It's a new game show. You have to know song lyrics.
Oh please.
I'd totally win.
Do you think they give a trophy?
A trophy or a big fat wadge of cold hard cash. You'd be set!
And really? You never read Narnia as a kid? I read them when I was in high school - borrowed them from the little kid I babysat. My college roommate gave me a beautiful box set for graduation, which I treasure. I re-read them all a few years ago. They hit me differently reading them as an adult, but oh, how I love them still.
You would totally win...
You *would* so win on that show!!!
Are you going to try out for it?
please please pretty please....
And I don't get Narnia at all. Not as a child, not now. A sad failing I know...
That video was hilarious. I hope you win a million dollars or at least enjoy watching the show. My blogging buddy Sari is a rock star lyrics freak like you. I barely know the words to Happy Birthday. My Mandy loves the entire series of the Chronicals of Narnia, she can even tell you what happens before and after the movie.
You totally have to enter that show! You would win!
You would totally own that game show!
I never really got Narnia either, even as a child when I read absolutely everything else eagerly. I find it kinda heavy and Biblical. But I'm totally sure you could win a trophy for knowing song lyrics.
i saw that clip awhile back and about died! i did read the books as a child and absolutely loved that spoof! you must write in about that show. you would totally win. hands down!
I always wanted to smack the hell out of Edmund too. That feeling never really goes away if you keep reading them.......And I don't know what it says about me that I never ONCE even remotely thought those books were religious. Just never saw it. Hmmm.......
I CAN'T wait for the singing bee! I would totally kick your...oh um, yeah. I think you just might win the trophy on that one. LMAO.
Nerds totally rock as husbands. I used to be married (long, long ago)to a surfer/non-nerd, trust me, it was boring as hell.
so funny, my friend Bobbi was over and she is freaking out with delight over this show.
but i really think you'd beat her.
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