Thursday, September 13, 2012

And I Keep Hittin' Repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

Emery turned two a few weeks ago - two!

If Griffin is my heart, Darwin is my soul, then Emerson is my joy. All of my joy.

Pointing, grunting, using very little words. Will sweetly call me, "Mama!" But if he needs something, I quickly become, "MMMMMAAAAAAAA!!!"

Hugging his daddy and brothers when they come home, calling both of his brothers, "Dar!"

Trucks, trains, trucks, helicopters, trucks, airplanes, trucks, automobiles, and trucks.

Chocolate chips, pretzels, rice soaked in chili, and trying to eat everything he's allergic to.

"Petting" the dog. (Where "petting" is really "licking" and ewww.)

Helping with laundry, playing with mama's straight pins. 

Sneaking out the back door.

Slamming doors.


Fingers pinched in slammed doors.

Being told anything along the lines of no, hands off, and not for you.

Being asked to talk.



I really cannot being to put into words how utterly fantastic you are Emery, happy birthday my little love.

PS. Please start talking and sleeping soon.


Sarah Jackson said...

Happy happy two to both of you! (and talking can be kind of overrated. sleeping is not).

amy h said...

Happy birthday, Emery! Sleep for your mama soon.

Angela said...

Happy Birthday! TWO??! What the what what?
Lucas and he could be great pals....loving on the automobiles and not loving on the use of words. Speak Babies, Speak.

shannon said...

My little baby is nearly two also, I like her the most by far! Thing is she doesnt sleep well either, but I am so much calmer about it these days. Not sure why...

He looks spunky. Happy birthday Emery!

Unknown said...

oh happy birthday!!

(my eldest didn't start talking till well after two... and oh boy... he hasn't stopped since!)

(sleeping?mmmhhh he's eleven and still doesn't like doing much of that... sorry)