Monday, May 10, 2010

There's a Calm Before the Storm

If there's one thing you can count on me to do is to get a simple head cold and have it escalate into threats of hospitalization and crazy-ass side-effects from drugs.

As in, the drugs are making me sicker than the stupid sinus infection. And although I can now keep fluids down and to warrant off dehydration, I've lost over four pounds in as many days and guess what particular OB isn't all that appreciative of weight loss during pregnancy?

So, yeah. I'm coping the best I can but it's not spectacularly well. Between the pregnancy weight gain (which granted is all in my belly and some edema and damn I'm uncomfortable in my body and I know it's only gonna get worse) and all the naps (never in my life did I think I would complain about actually being able to nap) and the weekly progesterone shots and the calcification on the baby's heart that won't go away and the laundry that is never-ending (and why can't I find a plastic hanger that isn't blue or white in stores?) I am just spent.

But I'm coping. Or, trying to cope. I just wish my antibiotic came with a nice magical dose of Make Mommy Happy. Know where I can get some of that?


Michelle said...

I just want to give you a hug! That's a lot for anyone to handle piled on all at once. I hope it gets better on all accounts.

Unknown said...

oh, man! I hope you feel better soon. There's not much worse than feeling crummy while pregnant on a day that's as rainy and cold as this one was...

kristi said...

yuck! do you need anything? donuts? and what color hangers are you looking for?

Strawberry said...

From your OB? Are there any safe-for-pregnany anti-anxiety meds?


Min said...

Something bright pink, or fluffy or twinkly (think diamonds sometimes help. But usually it's a big hug and having a good cry that do the trick. Hope you're feeling a bit brighter.

Jersey Knitting Mama said...

You hang it there. It must not be easy but you seem like a really tough chick! Get lots of rest and eat yummy food.
