(Yes, we are still sick. I'm trying really, really hard to avoid death. I'll spare you the gross horrid details, but suffice to say: HAVING THE FLU SUCKS. Darwin sounds like Darth Vader with lots of wheezing and hacking, so I've taught him to preface anything he says with Luke.... ::gasp of air:: ... I am your father. Yes, as a matter of fact: I did have children for the mindless entertainment value. Didn't you?)
I thought people had children so someone would wash the dishes for them at some point?
"Luke...I am your father...wash the damned dishes!"
That sucks. I did like the mental picture of Darwin as Darth Vader, though. Hope you're all better soon!
Yes, I did. I taught my daughter this joke when she was 3...
What kind of bees make milk?
And my sister just told me today that along with the cow says moo, she's teaching her son that a shark goes duh nuh, duh nuh, dunt dunt dunt dunt.... or however Jaws sounds.
The Darth Vadar impression is great, though.
Even though you're sick, you're still funny!
LOL! Poor Darwin!
Wouldn't it be cool if life were a little more like Playstation games where all you have to do is grab yourself some health whenever you need it?
Okay so now I will always picture Darwin as Darth Vader.
Hope the flu goes far far away soon.
If you're going to be sick anyway, you may as well eat whatever you want.
I hope you get well soon.
I keep thinking that Star Wars cannot really be over. Now we need a prequel to the prequel, like who was Anakin's father, where did he go?
We heart darth in our house. Send him on over and I'll teach him to sew his own darth costume. LOL. Hope you feel better soon!
aw, feel better sweetie! the flu does suck. try to chillax and watch movies or something. the kids can fend for their sick selves, right? (i wouldn't know.) .... and i totally think it's ok to use your kids for entertainment value. if i had kids i would dress them up in funny clothes and make them wear glitter and sing new kids on the block
Hope you feel better soon!
I hope you all get to feeling better sooooooon!
Darth Vader impressions are *always* good entertainment... phlegm-aided or otherwise.
By the way, I have chosen you for the "Nice Matters" award. :)
You now get to pick seven people you think make the blogosphere a better place.
~a ;)
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