All day I've been cleaning. Blah. I mopped, vacuumed and dusted. Then I vacuumed again because the boys spilled popcorn all over the floor.
I also cleaned out the medicine cabinet...

Aaron really doesn't like it when I do that ("It's like throwing money away, woman! I don't care if the medicine is expired by two years!").
I've also been working (key word: working, as in "not done yet") on organizing my scrapbook supplies. So far, I have one drawer completed...

And for anyone who knows me, they'll know this is A BIG FUCKING DEAL:

I. Took. The. Kitchen. Baby. Gates. Down. Run for your lives!
Actually, the boys are doing a pretty good job, considering this is the first day for them to be allowed free reign in the kitchen. I'm just so damn tired of jumping the gate all the time. Plus, it really opens up the space.
And for the creating part of the day...

I also made some gluten-free brownies...

... don't be too impressed. They were out of a box.
Here's the observations:
1. These are definitely the best gluten-free prepackaged box mix I've tried.
2. But they are not good enough.
Number two is the story of my life. Why else would I be writing a cookbook?
(Which, by the way, the computer was ordered on Monday, and should be delivered between the 17th and 20th. Hopefully within three months I'll have a website with some sample pages to help me find a publisher. 'Cuz I have no clue how to do that. Cook? Yes. Find a publisher? Hell no.)
I think that the cards look lovely - plus I am tired fro mjust looking what all you accomplished today!
I had no idea that you were worling on a cookbook - I think that is amazing! I'm looking forward to learning more about this....
Yay! New laptop. Maybe I can come by, and then pull a, "hey, what's that over there?!" and swipe it.
The cards are cute! And the kitchen looks great without the gates.
Spring has given you a boundless supply of energy even on the rainy days your productivity seems to have no end. I am so envious of your creativity. Today is so lovely here, that I didn't drive to the mall and buy my own mother a gift. I will blame it on the post office when her gift is late. Don't tell.
Oh god - your cupboard is too tidy - I'm feeling the need to root around. It's a reaction to a horrible job I had stacking shelves at a supermarket. I never realized before that getting all the labels facing the same way was a career path.
We've still got a gate at the top of the stairs - I haven't shut it in months. Must take it down. Like your cards - Griffin's knight does add a certain something...
Ok - are YOU prenant??? Sounds a LOT like nesting to me. LOL. wanna come over and clean my house? You even cleaned the medicine cabinets?!? What's wrong with you??? LOL.
I'm so following you on this cookbook thing... a couple of years ago I started one, kinda... at the insistance of friends and family.. but like you.. had no idea how to go about actually getting a published book made.. so it will be interesting to see you go girl!
That's a link the the Amazon listing for the 2006 writer's market. I'm not a published writer or anything, but my mom writes and she always got this book to figure out who to send manuscripts to. Also, there are places out there to publish yourself pretty reasonably. Try I'm sure there are a lot out there - but this is one I've heard of - again, through my mom. They don't market, I don't think, but you get a bunch of hits on your blog, I'm assuming a website would be similar and you could market yourself.
You sure were busy - I'm quite impressed - way to go throwing out all those expired drugs! And that will sure be a stress-reducer, having the gate down. Oh yeah - that drawer looks GREAT! I need to organize my stamping stuff - waaaaaay too much of it...
I just have to say that that was my LONGEST comment EVER!
OMG, you took down the kitchen gate? Is Armageddon at hand? ;) I'll bet the kids were excited to get kitchen access.
You're being entirely too productive lately. I've been busy too, but don't have anything impressive to show for it. Congrats on the laptop ... that is going to rock!
Well, SOMEONE has gotten some energy, huh? That is one clean med. cabinet. Now I gotta go do mine. thanks. We got rid of the baby gates about a year ago. We were so sick of leaping and tripping and moving them for other people and animals...what a pain. Looks like you got lots of scrappy goodies!
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