Because not buying myself presents makes him look like an ass.
So after the second Christmas fiasco, Aaron decided to write this on the calendar...

Last night he bitched about not having my list yet (it's STILL FUCKING NOVEMBER) so in my 11 p.m. sleepiness I scratched this out....

"Well, ::huff:: if I have to buy you one present I might as well buy them all. And I don't want to do that."
Oh, woe is you. Would you like me to powder your pampered ass?
Seriously, I know, this is ridiculous. I am very fortunate that my biggest problem with my husband is that he doesn't like to go shopping for others.
But, what? I'm not worth the effort? I'm not worth your time?
This whole fiasco is making me feel very insignificant.
So this morning I told Aaron to give that back to me. Fuck it. I'll do it myself. It's really not worth fighting over. And do you know what he did? HE THREW A HISSY FIT.
"Oh, no. I'll do your shopping. And you'll just have to deal with what I give you [nevermind I've made a fucking list of ideas and it is SITTING ON THE TABLE, BUT WHATEVER] and if you don't get anything you want that's your problem."
And then he literally stomped out of the house.
I fucking hate the holidays.
Oh I would so be through the roof mad!!!!
Ho, ho, ho.
Oh, I sooo know about this scenario. The past 2 years Joe has improved.
I stuff my own stocking. Otherwise it would be empty. And them I make a big to-do over all the goodies inside and how much Santa must really, REALLY like me.
Grrr. He gives Grinches a bad name. Should I send my kids over to rough him up? They have lightsabers.
This is exactly why we don't exchange gifts with each other. There is too much stress involved. Seriously, gift exchanges aren't even fun anymore!
Seriouely? Your husband is arguing with you FOR YEARS over having to buy you a gift? Men just do not get it sometimes...hope he gets a clue....
My husband wants a list too, but I feel that a list isn't personal. If he had been listening to me the rest of the year than he should know what I want.
Have hope! Last year I got a real diamond ring from my husband. We couldn't afford a real expensive ring when we were married. It only took 16 years of hints. Eventually, they do learn. Good Luck! Not all years are bad and not all can be great. I hope this helps you.
If it's such a big fight, why do you get each other gifts at all?! A gift just because you HAVE to doesn't sound like much of a treat. It's one less thing to stress over too. :)
(For the record, we don't really do gifts for each other and I LOVE it. Not having to fuss, make, buy or worry over it is the gift!)
and here i am feeling sorry that i dont have a significant other for the holidays....this puts it all into perspective!
dude, what is his problem? tell him he's allowed to shop online (if he hurries). then he doesn't even have to leave the house.
my husband is very good with presents. This year though he said he adopted a high risk strategy and bought something I might or might not like. Worrying eh?
And then he told me that this particular shop was having a sale TODAY and why didn't I buy his presents ('s' !!!) from there. Bloody cheek.
I'm so glad you shared this. So often blog husbands are depicted as so perfect and thoughtful. And here I am thinking I'm the only one whose "better" half is quite frequently a huge A-hole.
What is so hard about remembering things we like, anyway? When he mentions something even in passing he might like, I make a mental note or write it down. It's not that hard. It's called consideration.
I just told my mom this morning I think it's God's cruel joke that we're attracted to men when we're so clearly not good at living together.
Get yourself something lovely. You deserve it.
boys are so silly.
Wow, so now I fully understand why the ba humbug!
I wonder what deep rooted Christmas nightmare is hovering over him so much that he's resenting you for buying gifts? Maybe he was forced to give his grandmother's corns a once over every Christmas eve? Did his family not DO Christmas? Dude, I'm so confused. I want to FIX IT!
Come to my house for Christmas. I'll make you oodles of goodies to unwrap!
Hi Laura!!! OK... been there... done that... don't do it any more... after a REALLY BAD gift choice of my husband's our THIRD Christmas together I have since that day bougth MY OWN CHRISTMAS GIFTS... given them to my husband... HE WRAPS THEM... DECIDES WHO THEY ARE FROM... and they are under the tree... and I AM HAPPY CHRISTMAS DAY... and if I do say so myself... I have gotten some FABULOUS gifts... LOL...
Every year my husband says "What would you like for Christmas/birthday/Valentine's ect... My response... "For everyone to do EXACTLY as I ask"... then we look at each other and laugh and he says... "Just leave it on my dresser to be wrapped"...
We've been married 20+ years... it's not a big deal... in the grand scheme of things really
Lala :o)
I empathise.
TOO much for my liking.
Hey...didn't I see Aaron in a Christmas special by Dr. Seuss? (he's lookin' a little green) father is an expert gift giver, and I expect the same from all men (oh dear...she's setting herself up) My EX was good but it was only after a "little talk" that went something like:
" birthday, along with ALL major holidays (nice one eh?) FALLS ON THE SAME DAY EVERY'd better plan ahead!"
It worked, Rich has already "warned" me that he's not a gifty guy, and likes to surprise people year around, and if I really want something that I need to tell him...whatever. And you know what? I don't even have the energy to fight about it anymore. I'm "old", I'll get the goods I want my damned self. I just yap outloud about things I want in hopes that someone will get sick of me saying the same thing over and over and over...
AND I just put a little something for you in the mail, you can look forward to that, although I didn't see your holiday wish list either...damn.
Peh. Husband and I don't give eachother gifts for holidays. We do however sometimes decide on something expensive we both might want (like a Wii... I want a Wii *hehehe*) and then buy it. Saves on the guessing.
Hell, I grew up with Hanukkah. Eight days of underwear, socks and BOOKS! HOoray for books!
Don't powder his pampered ass... he'll get yeast again.
It think some body needs a binkie (pacifier)......and it's not you!
I say buy your own presents, wrap them up and don't buy him any....then pull the same thing saying he made YOU look like an ass for not buying his own presents. :)
Personally, if someone lives with me I expect them to be able to come up with at LEAST one gift idea on their own. I told my mother I'd be happy with a stocking full of gutermann thread (when she asked for stocking stuffer ideas). I mean, you're a CRAFTER - there's a million things I PERSONALLY could think to get you and I've never even met you.
So yeah, I'd definitely have my feelings hurt. I'm sorry! I hope you get something good!!!
I'm speechless.
You know, both my Grandmother and Mother have had this same problem for as long as I can remember (having to buy their own pressies). It makes me SO GLAD that DH at least TRIES. He may not always get it right, but the effort is always obvious.
We're buying each other a new dishwasher for Christmas this year. We've been handwashing dishes for 2 months and it ends now.
And I feel for you. All my ex's were shitty gift givers. One year, my boyfriend gave me a small thing of bubble bath and told me my present was that I could take a bath at his house (my apartment didn't have a tub) and he would watch. So romantic!
my hubby has given me three gifts in the 10 years we have been married and we have had conversation DOZENS of times. jeez. this is why i just buy myself what i need when i need it. and sorry for being such a lame-o commenter lately.
(okay, i had to show this to MY geeky aaron - and he was laughing so hard! i pulled up your blog to show him the lego thing - he was like 'it's already been a year?!')
The words immature a-hole come to mind
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