Which, of course, caused Griffin to call me "the! worstest! mommy! ever!" because I made him pick up his rock collection, which has be sprinkled all over the patio the past few months.
I know. I'm so horrible.
I also managed to re-stake all my peonies and put cages around the daffodils (some genius that lived here before us put a bunch of daffodils in the grass, which is of course right by the children's play area, and I'm tired of the boys "accidentally" stomping on the all the time).
I also moved all the glass that I could easily reach away from the greenhouse, as well as some pottery (no, I didn't step foot in there, I reached in where the glass use to be) (and I used my leather gardening gloves)...
... is it just me or is it leaning a few more degrees?
Is anyone interested in a couple of magazines (or two people interested in one magazine each)?
I have the March issue of Domino (the green-living issue) and the March issue of Romantic Homes (which featured Alicia's home).
I have even managed to not tear out any pages of the magazines. Be amazed! Be amazed of my phenomenal lack-of-ripping skills!
I'll send the magazines to whomever wants them (first to say in the comment that they want them, gets them), as long as they promise to rub them against their naked bodies and tell me how good it was. Mkay?
Oh yes...I want them, I may even take pictures of said magazines on body!! hmmmm...ewww??
Okay, I thought I might until you said that rubbing against their naked bodies thing. So nevermind.
Can you swing by my house and do a bit of garden clean-up for me? I am not getting to it anytime soon.
Sis, it looks like it's getting dangerous. Tell him he has to take it down soon!
Isn't this weather just grand?!?!
Uhhhh wow ok. I was going to try to post first but I was so stunned by the naked magazine rubbing request that my fingers won't type. Bwababababa! Enjoy there Chickenbells!
You have daffodils coming out of the ground????? Now I really hate you!
I can't believe that you tempted fate & stuck your arm in that devil of a greenhouse!
That was pretty darned hilarious, the rubbing magazines thingy...so what's up with your falling down green house type thingy? It looks dangerous...what are you guys doing with all of the stuff in there? More specifically that cool looking scale? :)
You are so bad, and so funny!
I think if you sneeze close by the green house it's coming down. Be careful!
aww, shucks, too late posting for romantic homes.
but hey, you know i would rub that mag all over me...i'm still doing it with the apple fabric.
p.s. bought a LOT at wholesale prices. want some when it arrives?
That is one tippy greenhouse! I agree with Autum - one good sneeze, and it's coming down!
Maybe you could use the sneeze suggested by Autum & Lla to take the greenhouse down by yourself without Aaron's help? :) On second thought, that probably isn't such a good idea!
You are a horrible mommy! How can you make your children pick their own stuff up?!!! That is so unheard of... what next, their laundry?
your greenhouse does appear to be leaning a bit more. stay away from it! i don't want to hear of any accidents.
the tower of Pisa has been leaning for centuries... and it's still standing.
I'd give it a push. At night, when Aaron is asleep...
oh, I read that Domino at my brother in-laws house. I loved/hated all the environmentally friendly ideas. Most of them were very cool but way out of my buget. -sigh-
It's leaning more for sure.
That greenhouse is coming down! Any day now, I say, with all the wind we get in the spring. Watch out!
I forgot that magazine with Alicia's house was coming out. I'm on a no-magazine diet. I'm already tired of this new budget. I think I'm too late for your mag though. Apparently they have magazines at the library though.
Its not fair, you just have the best mags over the pond! I read your last couple of post, my jaw is still on the floor about your glass house, oh Man...
Suzie Sews
see if I just stayed on top of my bloglines I might have been able to snag those mags, but na, I'm too damn slow.
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