I don't know if I'll survive if I continue to huff and puff. ::sigh::
Griffin is doing much better, now improved with normal poops!
He's really gonna love me in 10 years, I just know it.
Apparently over the course of relaxing and fighting over Legos all weekend (my Legos are my Legos, I am not required to share), Aaron and I caught Griffin's stomach bug.
Turns out you really don't want to eat or drink anything.
Unless you are me and come up with a magic tonic.

Also known as a mojito. Don't you fucking judge me.
It has everything in it to cure stomach ailments -- alcohol to kill the bug, simple syrup to help you metabolize the alcohol, club soda to make it fizzy and thus a drink for those who are sick and mint and limes for nutrients.
In fact, ::whine:: my stomach hurts. I think I need another.
Hey, I caught it too. Where's my Mojito medicine?
You really crack me up somedays.... and I am not judging you. :)
I wouldn't dream of judging you, and that looks pretty healthy to me. (Fruit AND leaves! And bubbles!) Hope you feel better soon.
i've coppied that recipe and i'm going to make me a mojito soon and i'm not even sick!
get well to you!
Honey...you forgot...MINT also helps your tummy feel better!
Bottoms up!
(oh...no pun on the poopy part of the illness intended!)
No judging here -- that looks pretty yummy!
i never thought of that! even the mint should help with the belly issues. oh shit. i don't have abelly ache but now i need a mojito!
oh wow...i am not feeling so well right now. oh my, quite poorly, actually now that you ask.
oh. i need to go see if we have the runs. er, i mean rum.
I hope you feel better soon! Or maybe not? :)
As a bartender, I am an expert on medicating with booze, and I think you're doing a fine job.
Mohitos for a tummy bug? absolutely!
Also, Whiskey for a cold or sore throat, and as big a glass of stout as you can manage for low energy is also good!
Hope you feel better soon...
funny - my tummy seams to have started hurting since I started reading this post...
Oh girl.... I DO like the way you think!! *big grin*
Will you guys PLEASE get better soon? (and keep your stomach bugs out there! we don't need that mess here.)
Woo Hoo! Good for you honey!
Normally I don't think Mojitos sound that great but that pictures is making me salivate.
I'm so sorry you guys got the bug. May it pass super fast!!
I think yoyr medicine choice is great. I'm gonna try it next time.
You must be a doctor.
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