Not food-allergy sick. Oh no. This is puking-34-times-in-a-single-day sick.
I had really big hopes for today, naively thinking he wouldn't be sick today since he slept through the night.
I was totally wrong.
We haven't been up for two hours yet and the baby has already puked six times.
Oh, wait. Seven. Yes, seven. And now I have more puke to clean.
Yikes. Poor thing.
Aw, he is still adorable, even sick. I hope he is better soon.
Oh...poor guy. Heck...poor you! I hope he gets well soon, and doesn't give it to anyone else in the house. I'm now trying to dodge a case of pink eye from Ms. D before our girlie trip to the Big City this weekend...eeekkk!
Aw, man -- it has to end soon though, right? How long do stomach bugs ever go on? I shouldn't say that -- no jinx! I hope he feels better asap.
Oh, no. That's awful. But if it makes you feel any better, that post title is perfect.
the one thing I cannot deal with:puke! my guy had a surgery as an infant to prevent puking (reflux). I haven't had to deal with pukage much. i've had a sick niece or nephew over the years and was able to send them back home ro thier parents.
hang in there!
oh cat has been puking once a week of late. any idea how to deal with a bulimic cat?
Poor little guy! Hope he feels better soon. (For his sake & for yours!)
There's just no way around it, puke is no fun for anyone. Oh the laundry!
I hope he gets better soon!
Poor babe and poor mom.
Poor Darwin! Poor you! (Did I just repeat Michelle? Uh, yea.) I hope he's better soon. Because puking is just about the worst.
how much more can be left in that little body?? poor baby. (both of you)
but he's a cute little puke machine *grin*
Ahh I totally sympathize with you. It wasn't but last week my son was doing this. Cleaning up puke is no fun! Hope he gets better soon!
man, i was hoping he'd be better by today!
okay, i just heard a new thing. if he can't even tolerate water, try giving him a dropper-ful of gatorade every 10 minutes. prevents dehydration, while not causing vomiting.
maybe? good luck!
Try to drink your liquids, little man.
Feel better asap.
You've been nominated for a Thinking Blogger Award!
Poor, poor little guy!
my dr once told me when Mandy was very little so this was like 16 years ago, but it still works. No food or liquid for one hour after puking. Then only one sip of water, then wait another hour for another sip. After three hours if there has been no puking a swallow or two of water. After five hours another swallow of water and maybe a bite of cracker. If there is any puking you must start over. It seems that it takes the belly awhile to recover and trying to rehydrate only causes more puking and less hydration. They say the quickest way to dehydrate a kid is to give him liquids right afte puking. So let his little belly settle for awhile before letting him have any more liquids. Not that you asked or anything.
Keep those dehydration gremlins at bay.
Poor heaving boy and overworked washing machine. I notice he's not wearing much - you are a smart mother.
Lots of liquids?Starvation?Regular little snacks and drinks?Ice lollies?They seem to change the 'rules' for treating puking babes all the time!I tend to go with the 'do what they want' Sometimes our bodies tell us what to do don't they? I hope he feels better soon
So, so sorry. I hope all of you can get some rest soon.
this is not good! I hope you don't have to hospitalize him for dehydration. Good luck.
Oh, I'm so sorry for the both of you. I hope he gets better fast and doesn't get dehydrated.
Awww! Poor guy! He sure is a cutie tho!
And how are we doing today? I hope your kiddo is feeling much better!
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