Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm a Sexy Mama (Mama)

Last night Darwin went with me to the pharmacy to stand in a never-ending line to pick up some prescriptions. Since he decided to be lazy and act like a pretty-pretty-princess, it was decided I had to hold him. Boredom got the better of him and he looked down my shirt.

"Wook! Wook!"

"What do you see Darwin?"


Then he decided to swiftly pull my collar down and pop one of my boobs out.


Because, you know, everyone at the 24-hour Osco needs to know what my boobies look like.

Between him and Griffin's new obsession of taking pictures of my boobs (oh yeah, that kid gets a hold of the digital camera and takes pictures of my boobs. We have a whole collection), I make an excellent case of why not to breastfeed your children.


Anonymous said...

well if we're talking embarassing stories here, No 2 caught me coming out of the shower, pat me on my bottom and happily started to sing " jelly on a plate, jelly on a plate..."

Embarassing and depressing.

Berber said...

Oh dear...


Leanne said...

So now the Osco has free adult entertainment, eh? Guess my hubby won't mind going to pick up the prescriptions anymore!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I've nearly been exposed waiting in line with Elise, too. For some reason, the necklines of shirts make for great entertainment.

LLA said...

Once again, I'm speechless and rolling in the floor with laughter....

And I started to say we've all been there - but, you know what, we haven't! Close, but not quite there.... :)

laeroport said...

Eliot unbuttoned my shirt whilst playing with my collar/neckline once. So I flashed half of the preschool before I even NOTICED. At least I had a nice bra on that day. Not the crappy old on that is falling apart and permanently dingy.

Anonymous said...

i would have died! (even though I nursed each of my babies.) there's something about the unexpected flashing that scares me!

was there a large audience???

Anonymous said...

my toddler (now weaned but obviously still remembering something(s) opens my shirt and says "mmmmm....num nums, mama, num nums" with this goofy look on his face. I'm sure it's entertained a lot of people in OPKS. heh.

Kim -today's creative blog said...

I knew there was a good reason why I never called them Boobies when I breastfed. :) And my friends thought I was nuts. (my husband doesn't use that term either) :)

kirsten said...

I had a FRIENDS child do that to me! I was still breast-feeding my own child at the time, so I didn't even notice when he put his hand down my shirt!

PamKittyMorning said...


Anonymous said...

Glad I'm not alone... Georgie is obsessed with my boobs, but only in public. He likes to use them as bongos while being pushed in a cart... talk about embarrassed. Gah!

Joanna said...

I'm soooo sorry! My condolences :(

Anonymous said...

er...uh...yeah, again. what to say? This has not happened to me. Thankfully.
Is there a lovely album for all the boobie photos? Have you scrapped it? ;-)

Anonymous said...

LMAO. how embarrassing!!! poor you.

Anonymous said...

Bea is obsessed with nipples -- cow nipples, statues of pigs with nipples -- caves with crystals hanging down that look like pink nipples. It's true.

patrice said...

See what depriving your child of TV will do to him?

beki said...

Oh dear, that could be embarrasing.

hannah said...

its always a possibility isnt it? that they will be so comfortable with our boobies they want to show them off! great story (will you have to change pharmacies now???)