Thursday, September 14, 2006

I Said to My Reflection, "Let's Get Out of this Place"

Question: How many bags of food does one family of four, three of whom are allergic to wheat, need to take for a four day trip to the middle of nowhere Michigan?

Answer: Seven bags of food, one bag of spices (including salt), a full cooler and high hopes of finding adequate meats and vegetables once we arrive.


Anonymous said...

Have a great time! I wish Coldwater was closer. :(

LLA said...

But look at how neatly you've packed it all!!!

Travel safe - and come back with seven different kind of funny stories to tell us. And a blue ribbon for the apple muffins!

Anonymous said...

Bon voyage! I hope the trip goes well.

PamKittyMorning said...

Have a safe trip. Can't wait for your return to the blog!

Anonymous said...

Drive safely. And have fun!

kirsten said...

Have a safe and happy trip in the Portable Pantry :)

Anonymous said...

Aren't 3 of them full of apple muffins? Have a good trip!

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of food to cart around but it is necessary in your case. Have a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

Have fun.... good luck at the apple contest !!

Anonymous said...

Safe journey, and good luck with the apple contest!

Anonymous said...

Surely that wasn't all you took! (Feeling like I overpack now...)

Have a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

what a neatly packed car! you should see our car when it is packed up for a family our size!!!

have a safe trip!!!

Berber said...

Have fun on your trip!
Hope you win the competition :))

Kim -today's creative blog said...

are you without Aaron? I hope he was able to come. The back looks way too empty!

Anonymous said...

You must have added all the luggage after this photo right?
I really don't think I'd go travelling. That sounds like a pain...or maybe I'm just lazy. I'd be so worried that I left something very important.