My broken foot!
Yes, I said broken foot.
Which means I'm in the process of healing said broken foot.
Stupid piece of nature.
I went to my family doctor Wednesday afternoon and told him what happened. He looked through my file and saw that the specialist who was suppose to go over my x-rays taken on Tuesday didn't put any notes in my chart. Then he went looking for the radiology report for the previous day, because the results should have been there, but there was no report. So the doctor ordered another set of x-rays.
Because I was in a wheelchair (because everyone has to make this situation as dramatic as possible) and the door to our shoebox waiting room wouldn't close, I heard the doctor exclaim down the hall, "Wow! It really is broken!"
Immediately following, "Uh-oh. It can't be broken that way!"
The doctor was convinced that something was wrong with the x-rays and order another set of x-rays. When that set came back, my Very Christian Doctor reviewed them and mumbled shit under his breath.
Turns out not only did I break a bone in my foot, I broke it in the worst possible way.
I broke a bone in half, a very clean break with no ragged edges (ragged edges heal better). In the location that it is broken is called a Jones Fracture. According to my doctor, a Jones Fracture runs the risk of not having proper blood flow and not healing itself, in which case I may have to have surgery to pin the two pieces together.
Typically, when you break a bone in your foot you get a walking boot. But noooooooooo, not me. I have to have a fucking cast because I can't put any weight on it.
I'll go in Thursday for another round of x-rays and get a new cast (my doctor doesn't like the angle my foot is at in this one because it doesn't fully extend my calf muscle, but due to the break I couldn't hold my foot in the proper angle). If all goes well, I'll have a cast for a total of six weeks and then get a walking boot (for how long, I have no clue).
Until then, I'm camped out on the couch and trying to learn how to balance. Which is rather ridiculous, considering it was my crap-ass balancing that got me in this situation in the first place.