Now, most people I know love summer vacation. For them, it's lazy days pool side, play dates with friends, catching lightening bugs at dusk.
For me, it conjures up memories of being a latch-key kid who wasn't allowed to do shit and had to sit at home all day by myself. And lest someone call the house and I didn't answer, my ass was grass and you do not want to know the specifics of what my stepmonster considered "ass being grass" detailed.
So yes, for me and my psychosis, I loved school. Still do, I miss it. And my kids love school. So the thought of summer (and fully realizing, yes, my kids aren't in my predicament) brings a lot of anxiety and pressure to give my kids A Life I Didn't Have and then I go and get all overwhelmed and depressed and THAT doesn't help anybody.
So this year I have a Plan. A Grand Master Plan for Summer Vacation to Not Suck it Out the Ying Yang (official title, I'm sure you're impressed). This plan includes free time, academic time (hello, we're nerds and we're not gonna let anyone forget it) and scheduled activities to force me out of the house and not crawl into a corner and suck my thumb and sob.
Today, the boys and I ran errands [side note: that totally rocked ESPECIALLY since yesterday I spent over two hours at the doctor because I thought I wasn't bouncing back appropriately from the flu four weeks ago and turns out I have pneumonia -- and I certainly don't feel that sick, until I tried to pick up a case of water then OH MY HELL] and then they played in the yard and got hella dirty. Dirty enough to change clothes. In the middle of the day. Like girls. Here sweetie, let me make you a skirt, mkay?
And this afternoon we sat down and did academics. Each boy has a bridge book to work on to reiterate last year's lessons and to prepare them for next year (good nerds, good nerds).

They both are also keeping a summer journal with spaces for the journaling and photos. I also have some side projects planned because OH MY HELL, today was day one of 80 and I'm already eyeing that corner a little too much.
We also have pool passes (too cool for today though), two weeks of swimming lessons, a week of Harry Potter Camp, a trip to Colorado for a huge family reunion (and someone hold me because supposedly? NO INTERNET CONNECTION THERE, DEAR GOD LET THAT BE A LIE), and my trip to Chicago (which? squee! no kids!).
So here's to a summer that hopefully won't mentally damage me nor my kids too much.
you? are totally going to rock this whole summer thing. for real.
Ha! I can't wait for summer vacation because I'm a teacher!!! Two months of no kids (except my own). Yipppeeee.
Sounds like you totally have it under control, though. Your kids are going to have a kick ass time this summer with all the stuff you have planned!
Sounds pretty good to me...
They'll love it I'm sure!
I'm feelin this whole summer plan of yours. We are embarking on summer tea time. No TV, no neighbor kids (we have TONS of them all summer), conversations and family time. Also have the whole academic plan on the school website. Lots of learning games to be played there. Book series for each child to read thru the summer, lots of family boat time and a pool pass for us too. Enjoy your time. I'll check in on you to make sure you're still posting and not in the corner. LOL.
You have a plan. A PLAN. This is good, I need a plan, and to book some sort of holiday or activities or I am going to go spare.
But some of those days have PJs written firmly on them.
Where is this Harry Potter camp and how can I get JP signed up? Will you FB me about it?
The journal sounds great... I may steal that. We're planning on swimming lessons, scout camp, and HP camp, and I'm looking for other stuff to fill in the gaps. Already, they have informed me that they're bored. No matter how they complain about school, they really do miss it.
Heck. That journal sounds SWEET. And thank GOD for BlogHer.
I so wish I was coming to Chicago. Too broke. Oh well...there's always next year.
doesn't sound like it will suck too terribly bad at all.
Amen to the BlogHer shout out. Going sans kid as well. woo! (even though I know I will miss him and that will SUCK.)
"Ass is grass...." LOL
My sister still gives me grief about saying those exact words some 20+ years ago! Well what do you expect? Some bully was picking on my kid sister....NOBODY is allowed to pick on her except for me! I told the girl her ass was grass if she didn't lay off. (I probably went and abused my sister after that!) ;)
Sounds like you have a great summer ahead of you!
Oh my hell, you make me laugh. :)Your sense of humor is just like mine and you make me just crack up. I hope you find a way to enjoy summer vacation. I'm sure everything will be fine. Keep the sense of humor going and you will get through it!!! Keep blogging cause it makes my day!!
Lori Faeber
Lacey, Washington
totally wish i was going to chicago, too. i would seek you out.
Harry Potter Camp? No fair, I have an 8-year-old boy and didn't get that memo. That sounds awesome.
Just found you, and reading your archives was a delightful way to spend a Sunday morning ...
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