Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm Rocking the Suburbs

How pathetic is it that decapitating my gluten-free dark chocolate bunny is the highlight of the day?

I got to use a steak knife on it.

I love being home, running the dishwasher and laundry. But it's the actual art of putting those things away that's bogging me down. And the big question: when do I get some sewing time? Think the decapitated bunny is qualified enough to watch the boys while I sew?


Floaterie said...

Of course that bunny is totally qualified....

think of it...usually bunnies are in charge of a whole hoard of babies...so, I'm sure it'd be able to watch just 2 kids even without it's head...;-)

amy h said...

That bunny looks tastier than the ones Chris got for the girls (he got milk chocolate -- blah).

Yeah, I spent yesterday doing laundry and dishes, and now today will be the putting away. It takes two days. Then it starts all over. It doesn't help that Elise is going through 12 pairs of underpants a day.

Chickenbells said...

I think the bunny could totally watch the boys...although, it may have a few teeth marks in it when you get done...but, it's totally worth it to sew? And with all the "extra energy" that the boys have from hanging out with the bunny, they can put all the laundry and dishes away...it's really a win-win situation

LJ said...

I so want to lick my screen! I have no chocolate in the house!! ACK!!
Welcome back home! :D

montague said...

totally. and wow. that's a cute headless bunny.

Anonymous said...

absolutely...tell your boys if they stare hard enough at the bunny the head will reappear. This will give you at least 15 minutes of uninterrupted sewing time.

no one got me a chocolate bunny this year, I feel deprived.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed that you had the self-control to eat only the head. In my current mood, I'd gobble the whole bunny down in one sitting.

Renee said...

I'm behind on reading my blogs, but this made me laugh!