A couple of weeks ago, Griffin had his class picture taken.
Yesterday, while looking through the information on Griffin's school carnival (tonight, starting in about four hours), I noticed that his class picture is being auctioned to the highest bidder. This information sheet was sent home yesterday.
I asked the other mothers of his class if other pictures were going to be on sale. No one knew, but everyone wanted one.
I went into the school and asked the secretary. She said "no" that no other pictures will be made for purchase.
This is done through the PTA.
The PTA "is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt organization" and NOT ran through the school district.
At the beginning of the school year, I signed a waiver stating that it was okay for the school
district to use Griffin's picture. The waiver does not mention PTA.
I have called the PTA President. And left a message.
I have called the school and talked to the secretary (who tried to convince me the PTA
is a part of the school district -- I looked PTA up, it is not).
I left a voice mail for the principal.
All I'm asking is that pictures be available to purchase sometime before the end of the school year. They can continue with their auction (of a framed picture - size is not stated but I assume it's an 8x10) and sell smaller sized prints to everyone.
By selling prints, they can use it as another fundraiser for the PTA.
Am I being unreasonable?
And, I've got my panties in a bunch over this. I'm on the verge of using the fact they do not have a signed waiver from me and using that as leverage.
do not think it's appropriate where one family (or
anyone for that matter) is able to purchase the only available class picture and all the other families do not even have an
opportunity to purchase a picture.
What do you think?
Update #1 - I called the school headquarters and got confirmation that the PTA is NOT ran through the district. She referred me to the Area Council PTA person.
#2 - The Area Council PTA person did not answer her phone
and had a full voice mailbox. So I was unable to leave a message.
#3 - I've talked this over with more people and everyone seems to agree with me. So I called the school and was told that the principal has listened to my voicemail but is "busy." So now I'm calling higher-ups because this is ridiculous.
#4 - Left message with Superintendent; supposedly suppose to get a call back.
#5 - Received call from the school secretary. "Good news! Pictures will be sold next week but it's a secret." "Uh, that's nice. How are they gonna prevent a PEDAFILE FROM 'WINNING' IT AT THE AUCTION?" "Oh, anyone who attends can win it."
Welcome to my personal hell, internet: I'm trying to prevent my son's school from selling his picture to any random person.
#6 - Okay! Last update!
No one knows they are selling the pictures next week. That's not going to be announced until next week that they will sell the pictures.
The principal finally called me back. When I asked him what safety precautions were in place to insure a random person wouldn't buy the pictures he said, "Uhhhhh...." So we had a nice chat about safety and thinking about everything ("This carnival was put together really haphazardly" he said) and he said that they would
definitely check who is purchasing the picture and making sure it doesn't go to some random stranger.
You know, not to sound crazy or anything but DAMN. Do these people not think things through? I totally understand
why they thought was a good idea but does no one remotely consider all the details of such endeavors?
The principal tried to point out to me that since I signed the photo release I shouldn't be complaining.
My reply?
"I never considered the school would take my son's picture and sell it to the highest bidder, regardless of who it is."