I've got it in my crazy-ass pregnancy mind that I'm going to be dusting off my sewing area (and by "sewing area" I mean "that corner of the laundry room that I notched out for myself") and making quilts before the baby comes. Glorious quilts! For my whole family! Nevermind I have a few thousand projects in progress, these nine months will produce quilts! Because I'm not busy doing ANYTHING ELSE RIGHT NOW!
I've been on the hunt for a glorious white cotton for the baby's quilt and have been searching high and low. It has to be the
whitest, the
softest, the
cottoniest fabric ever. Nevermind I have gobs of other white fabrics hanging around, those are simply not
good enough.
So I've been ducking my head in this quilt shoppe and that quilt shoppe looking for a glorious white in which to use as my base. I finally stopped in a local store, ran by old biddies who are
quite opinionated and I mean that as in
quite opinionated in a way of which I don't quite appreciate but they do have some fabrics I never see anywhere else, so in my infinite awesomeness, I put up with their
Because I'll suffer quite a bit for the ideal fabric. More specifically: ideal fabric that doesn't break the bank.
So I went into the store, took at look at their solids and sighed.
"Can I help you find anything?"
"Yes, I'm looking for a white, soft cotton for the base of my quilt."
"Oh, you mean for the sashing?"
"No, it won't have sashing. For the base."
"But. Quilts don't have a
base. They are patch worked."
"Yes, I know. Most do. This won't."
"No. That's not a quilt."
"Yes it is.
In anycase, I'm looking for a white, soft cotton."
"Right over here."
"Thank you."
"No, you do realize you need to add some patchwork
sashing to make it a quilt, yes?"
"No, I don't."
All quilts have sashing."
Okay, I know she's trying to be helpful. And in my hands I have a glorious white, soft cotton fabric that's double-width and only eight dollars a yard. I know better than to fight or otherwise
she's gonna take my fabric away.
"I know most do. But I'm not a traditional quilter. I'm a member of the
Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild. Quite a few of us re-work the rules."
"Oh. Okay, then."
Whew."So you do realize you need to make your quilt top about two inches longer on all the edges so your Professional Quilter can quilt it for you, yes?"
"Oh, I'm gonna quilt it myself."
"No, you can't quilt it yourself. That's not Professional. No one will
like it if you quilt it yourself."
"Um... thanks. But I'm quite certain my baby will like it just fine."
"Fingers crossed."
Ohmyhell, ohmyhell, ohmyhell. I paid and high-tailed it out of there.
Now, I'm not stupid. And I'm quite certain she was
trying to be helpful. But really? Do you really tell your
paying customer she's wrong in such a situation? I mean, fighting over facts is thing. But "it must be patchworked" and "it must have sashing" and "it must be professionally quilted" or "otherwise the recipient won't like it" aren't all those really
In anycase. I have High Hopes to get off my napping butt and begin working on a quilt.

no, it will
not have patchwork. It will
not have sashing. It will
not be professionally quilted. But I'm quite certain the recipient
will like it just fine.
(My friend,
Crystal, is forming a quilting bee if anyone is interested! Sashing not required.)