You had a party this weekend, and between the party, you brother and us your Bakugan collection increased by 15 members. Which about makes me want to cry, because those bits of plastic break easily and are covering the playroom floor.
You continue to love being the baby of the family and tell me daily you'll be my baby forever. Thank you for that, I need it - because especially after getting the puppy, I know there's no way I can handle another one of you baby-humans, I like my sleep too much.
You read a lot and can do Griffin's math work. You can like to tell people about how whales once walked on land (thank you National Geographic channel) and know all the rules of Bakugan which I don't even bother learning. One of your favorite past-times is "doing academics" and have at least three academic books going. I can't keep enough in stock for you. You especially like to sit at the table while I'm cooking dinner, asking questions and telling me when something smells like it needs to be stirred.
A couple of months ago I bought you a sketch book, which you keep referring to as a scrap book and have already filled the 90 page book, so I bought you another one two weeks ago. It's half-filled already. You also like to sneak in my stash and steal water color paper and get out your watercolors. You're jealous of mine ("your's has a fancier box! I want a fancier box!"), but I pointed out to you that you have way more colors than I do. That seemed to help, and getting you a 15-paintbrush set (mine's only 12) put you over the top.
We are headed to the mountains later this week and you're obessed with playing with cousins, fishing and helping me pack the food. I fear how much I'll have to pack for a seven-day excersion with all our food allergies, but you told me you'd go to the stores with me to get all the stuff. "After all, Mommy, I'm your little buddy."
Yes, you are.