A couple of days ago he was racing a girl at the park. He was going super-fast and crashed and burned. On concrete.
Hello, head injury.

Blood was everywhere, pouring down the side of his face. I cleaned him up fairly well with the first-aid kit in the van, but hello big gash above the eyebrow. Someone had to go the hospital.
And, of course, someone needed stitches. And someone had a concussion. And someone is suppose to take it easy for at least four days because someone has a concussion worse than initially thought.
Because that's how someone rolls.

mi hewman gotz hurt, snugl makez bettah
poor little dude. I totally love that he's giving you a "Mom, do we really need to take my picture for your blog right now?" look. :P
Oh, those are some pathetic pics. Ouch. Rest up, Darwin.
Poor guy. These photos are priceless. So relieved he is going to be ok, but WOW. He's probably hoping for some super-cool guy scar he can show off later in life.
And dude. Your dawg.
Aw, he looks so pathetic. Hope he feels better soon!
cute little puppy. i'm glad he's there to make everyone feel better.
Oh Lordy. Poor little guy!
I hope he feels better soon.
Poor littly guy. I know exactly how you feel - my little man had a run in with a table. The table won.
Poor Darwin. I hope he has a speedy recovery.
Get it? Speedy? :)
How can he look so pained....yet so cute at the same time? Get better soon little guy....
That phot is too cute for words. The story and the photo together can break a mother's heart.
wow.....poor baby. I suppose Aaron was out of town to make this even more fun.
Poor guy! I hope he recovers quickly.
See, girls really are so much trouble!
He'll be a more interesting grown up for all of it. Poor babe.
Ouch! Even in sleep he looks ready to spring into action... :)
ohhhh, geez! i hate blood. i'm glad he's better. poor little booger. seeing him curled up and sleeping on the pillow is sweet.
forgot to say, sometimes blogs tell the story better than facebook :) taking a break and going back to blog reading.
Aww, little pumpkin. He looks like such a trooper. Hope he feels better soon.
Winks & Smiles,
Gosh he's gotten so handsome and so big. I wonder if this will slow him down at all? Hope the weekend went smoothly. A puppy can heal the worst of scrapes.
Sucks! Glad he's ok.
Poor guy.
I hope he heals up quickly.
My son is a big runner too - just a matter of time.
Poor little guy.... boys and blood hey!!!!
Oh man, head wounds do bleed a lot! My son still bears a scar unser his left eye from a race down a large concrete ramp and a tumble into a half wall. He is 24 and I still feel guilty. Your poor little guy! Hope he feels better soon.
Your blog is so freakin hilarious. You make me laugh everytime I read it. You have the same sense of humor as me and I love it!!!!Thanks for making me laugh!
Lori Faeber
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