Okay, maybe not. But still.
You have to keep an eye on her.
She thinks things make of plastic are nummy, the grill is her special nom nom maker a dirty tissues are fair game.
And don't get me started on shoes.
Today she managed to get into some ant poison (and we don't like to use it but hellooooooooo colony of ant eggs right! by! my! shower!) because Darwin forgot to close the door (I got it away fast and rinsed her mouth out) and then she promptly went outside and dug a whole in the grass.
Good thing she's cute.
And doesn't pee inside.

Ai quete, but stop calin me "yoda."
[Dar's head is healed, but now has a croup-y cough. Parenting rocks!]
And don't think for two seconds I didn't consider using this song as my post title...
And don't think for two seconds I didn't consider using this song as my post title...