Thursday, February 09, 2006

Whole Foods Whore

Today, I succeeded! I ran all around Whole Foods and tracked down the coffee bitch.

Ah... minty mocha.

And? I finally found the xanthan gum.

That shit cost $9.49, so it had better damn work! (For those of you who don't know, both the children and I have Celiac Disease, which means no gluten from wheat/oat/barley. Aaron has had it with the gluten-free mixes [and I agree; they are not so good], so now it is time for me to experiment with my tried-and-true recipes; xanthan gum is a necessary element to gluten-free baking, as it is suppose to prevent baked items from collapsing -- we'll see.)

As for the tulips? I deserve those damn tulips, deserve.

Let's just say that it may have something to do with the fact that the almost-four-year-old took it upon himself to crap in his goodnite diaper this morning, with it oozing out of every orifice of the diaper, then while I was giving him a bath his one-year-old brother did the same damn thing. And I? Did not lose my temper. Not Once. I DESERVE THE TULIPS.


Marshamlow said...

I never knew what the Xanthum Gum was for, I haven't been brave enough to bake, except for my plantain chocolate muffins, yum. One time they did deflate and it was ugly!

I love the tulips. My guy will be out of town for awhile too. He signed me up to bake for his office on Valentine's Day while he is out of town. Sweet.

laura capello said...

Oh gee, that's so nice of him! :)

Anonymous said...

Definitely deserve the tulips.

laura capello said...

Yes, especially since Griffin did it AGAIN this morning.

Tom said...

You sooooooo deserve those damn tulips, girl! ..... And our country has developed so much, why can't scientists figure out a way to make babies that are already potty-trained????