In case you don't follow me on Twitter or Facebook, we've had a couple of really awful shitty weeks over here. After the
oozy incident, Emerson got tons better on the steroids, new antibiotic and antihistamine.
Three days later, when he took a
step down of the steroid, he completely broke out again. A week later we were back at the doctor, crying. Not sleeping. Begging for an answer.
At this point, the infection is secondary. The issue is the inflammation, which is opening the skin to be susceptible to the infection. Their only thought?
At which point I totally did a
facepalm because
duh, I should have figured that one out on my own.
I spent that whole Friday calling the allergist's offices (who's having her own set of health issues regarding her eye, poor lady - I really like our allergist
a lot). I spent the whole Monday calling her offices (she works out of three: the "fancy" one we go to, one at KU Med and a third kids' clinic at a satellite KU Med location) (doctor has credentials, yo) and couldn't get Emerson an appointment until Friday.
Another allergist in her office offered to have us come in on Tuesday to "explain to us how food allergies in babies work, but wouldn't test the baby for allergies." Like there's anything
any doctor can throw at us that we haven't already heard, studied and had test results that were against their textbook lectures.
Aaron pushed back a business trip, I nearly had a nervous breakdown (as in, do I need to go to a mental institution? or just check into a hotel and get some freaking sleep?) and we
finally made it to the appointment.

We arrived, and immediately got stuff rolling for Emerson.

This is a good true-to-life photo (little slap-happy filtering on this one - the others? hello funky filters that don't make my baby look quite so miserable), taking his blood pressure.
After going through all our papers, asking us questions and looking him over carefully, we were sent to the hospital for his allergy blood test.

Five vials. They needed five vials of blood to test all of the allergies ordered (and the doctor ordered every single one possible).
The results are in, but OF COURSE we have to wait to tomorrow 'cause today is her day at her kids' clinic and she'll review them tomorrow morning.
In the meantime, we have new body soap and lotion, new antihistamine and two cans of
Elecare just in case he is allergic to my breastmilk. And based on the tests we did at home (rubbing some into a quarter-sized spot on his back that was originally clear), he is (his poor back broke out after three applications).
So remember when I said we have tests that go against textbooks? Yes. We do. All of us. (Well, not Aaron. But the rest of us.) Please don't leave any snarky comments saying IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO BE ALLERGIC TO BREASTMILK!!!1!!!!!
Improbable, yes. Impossible, no.
Darwin was. I will not at all be surprised to find out Emerson is too.
And yes, to answer your question: if he's allergic to me and my milk, then why now? Why not when he was born?
Because of two things: One, a baby's immunities is reflective of his mothers when being born. It takes a while for the mother's immunities to flush out and the babe's to turn on. Two, genetics turn on and off multiple times over your life (and each switch is slow, taking a few months or as you age, a year). Once around six months (Emerson's age), another big genetic switch around the age of five (when lots of kids "grow out of allergies"), another during puberty, and genetics can turn on and off anytime the body goes through trauma (broken bones, pregnancy and delivery, hernia surgery, etc).
I can haz nerd cred.
started breaking out in November - I just thought it was the cold weather. In December I went dairy free (keeping in mind, for myself I'm gluten and soy free), which helped a bit. Then I went egg and nut free. But it's just compounded and compounded and compounded and nothing I do is making him any better.
I may have to start weaning tomorrow, which is a great disappointment. I had planned on nursing him for a few more months.
I will do whatever is necessary to take care of my babies. Emerson's constant screaming and inability to sleep is proof
something is going on his little body.
Whatever it is needs to be diagnosed and remedied.