This weekend I was catching up with my feedreader and caught
this great post and I thought,
now there's something I can get behind.
I get it quite often, the whole "How do you do it all?" bidness of being a full-time work at home mom, kids on summer vacation, keeping on top of the house, making sure the dog doesn't piddle on the floor, husband constantly going on business trips, not rotting my kids' brains with too much Spongebob and all I got to say is I FAIL.
I don't think - and I certainly don't hope - I come off as one of those people who has her shit together because I don't. I don't, I don't, I don't and I'm not about to give anyone (or my future self) some false identity of
lo, life is grand and I gots my shit together.
I'm not a happy-ness blogger. I'm not a let's-linger-over-coffee-for-awhile person. I'm more of a choke-it-down-we-got-shit-to-do person. And no offense to anyone who is like that, rather in real life or on the internet (because, hey, I love reading blogs like that) but that's not me.
I haven't made my bed since I was in sixth grade.
I'm happy if I can remotely keep the bathroom clean (and I live with three boys).
We dig clean clothes out of laundry baskets.
I sweep the floors when my feet have big chunks of yuck on them - not before.
I make Aaron pick up Chipotle for dinner at least once a week.
I fall asleep if I'm not doing something with my hands.
My sewing area is (and has been for months) covered with the boys' school papers.
I haven't scrapbooked since... April? I think?
I rarely comment on my friends' posts. (BIG MASSIVE FAIL.)
I don't click over from the feedreader to read posts.
I still haven't unpacked from my trip
over a week ago.
I have two car seats sitting in my living room because I have NO WHERE ELSE IN MY HOUSE TO PUT THEM.
I haven't downloaded pictures off my cameras IN WEEKS.
I'm quite certain I have kitchen counters
somewhere, but just don't ask me where.
My garden exploded and I'm officially avoiding the mess.
My kids watch television.
Yes, there's quite a few things I do right (and I've officially become a workaholic) - I cook a lot for three people with outrageous allergies, we take an evening walk, I put work aside to interact with my kids (usually) but I most certainly do not have my shit together. Never have, likely never will.
And I'm okay with that.