Like, make a pie.
Oh yes, I classified that as a need. Hells yeah, I did.
I just took the blind-baked crust out of the oven, now to go make the filling soon...
Other things occupying unusual places on my brain:
Planning Harry Potter Peace Camp at "church." Apparently, my camp name is Professor Cupcake. Oh, lordy.
Helping my friend plan her April '09 wedding.

Pie. Oh, wait. I mentioned that. Okay, pie filling. Because I actually don't like pie. Just the filling.
Putting away clean laundry (seven loads down, two to go).
Balance the checkbook (to pay for the stupid car repairs; stupid, stupid, stupid unplanned for emergencies - I'm sick of 'em).
Planning stuff for San Francisco (like ordering a new camera bag and making [oh my hell] a computer bag) -- hey, who else is going?